Examining Student Perceptions Regarding to Usage Purposes of Tablet Computers Distributed Under the Scope of in FATIH Project in the Course Processes and by Students

In this study, it is aimed to determine student perceptions regarding students’ purposes of tablet computer usage and how tablet computers are used during learning process, which were given to students within the scope of FATIH Project. In this study, it was used a mixed method using a combination of quantitative and qualitative research methods. The study group consisted from the 10th and 11th grade students of two Anatolian High School in Ankara and Çorum in 2015-2016 academic year. 58 students joined from different grade levels to this study. The data were collected through the "Tablet Usage Survey". According to the findings of the study, when students’ purposes of tablet computer usage are analyzed, students mostly use tablet computers for listening to music, making research for homework, playing game and watching video. The most important problem encountered while using tablet computers in the classroom and coming into prominence in student perceptions is the opinion regarding that they affect attention of the students negatively. It is determined that other important problems encountered while using tablet computers result from infrastructure problem, charge problem and technical problems. According to perceptions of the participants, it is understood that using tablet computers during teaching learning process provides advantages in terms of easy access and speed during the lessons.


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