ÖzetMüzik eğitimciliği ve icracılığının meslekleşme süreci içerisinde aktif rol oynayan birçok olay ve olgu olmasına rağmen bu süreci Mehterhanenin kurulmasıyla başlatmak yanlış olmayacaktır. Öyle ki; Türk müzik kültürünün kurumsal anlamdaki ilk oluşumu olan Mehterhane, aynı zamanda Müzik eğitimciliği ve icracılığı bağlamında da bir başlangıç noktasını oluşturmaktadır. Bu başlangıç noktası müzikçilik mesleğinin kurumsal statüye bürünmesinin Türk müzik tarihinde ilk somut göstergesi olarak kabul edilmektedir. Gerek mehterhane içerisindeki uygulamaların kısmen profesyonellik kıstaslarına uyması gerekse bu kurum içerisinde görev alan kişilerin (çalıcı mehterler) kurumsal kimlik taşıması bu kurumu daha özel bir hale getirmektedir. Bu araştırmada; Müzik eğitimciliği ve icracılığının meslek statüsüne geçiş sürecine ait tarihsel süreç kısaca ele alınmış ve bu sürecin başlangıç noktası olarak kabul edilen Mehterhane ve çalıcı mehterlere ilişkin uygulamalar, kurumsallık çerçevesinde açıklanmaya çalışılmıştır. Çalıcı mehterlere uygulanan sürekli ücret politikasının bu kapsamda en önemli husus olduğu görülmüştür. Meslek ve Profesyonellik tanımları içerisinde yer alan ve kaçınılmaz bir gereklilik olan bu ücretlendirme politikasının, Mehterhane teşkilatının müzik kültürüne sağladığı bir katkı olduğu düşünülmektedir. Öte yandan, teşkilat tarafından ödenen tayinat ve diğer ek ödemelerinde meslekleşme adına büyük önem taşıdığı ve profesyonelliği güçlendirdiği görülmektedir. Mehterhane tarafından sunulan diğer sosyal haklar (emeklilik, görev tevcihi, barınma ihtiyacının karşılanması gibi) ise müzik eğitimciliği ve icracılığının meslekleşme ve profesyonelleşme sürecinde büyük önem arz ettiği düşünülmektedir.AbstractThe shifts of business groups serving for the benefit of society to occupational status generally vary in parallel with the change of needs in the historical process. Along with the technological advances, the differentiation in the communication and transportation organs directly affects people's lifestyles. Changing living conditions and needs have led some businesses to become popular, while some of their businesses have also become faded. While the business lines that started to become popular have become criteria for profession over time, further enlargement of these fields reveals the necessity of private information. This situation, which is characterized as professionalism, emerges in many of the professions adopted by society over time.When the vocational process is examined in the context of music teaching and playing, one of the most remarkable situations is that there is not enough written publication about this subject. Although there are many publications covering the historical process of Turkish music culture, there are not many examples of publications that present this historical process within the scope of profession and professionalism.Although music teaching and playing are many events and phenomena that play an active role in the professionalization process, it will not be wrong to start this process with the establishment of Mehterhane. Such that; Mehterhane, the first formation of the Turkish musical culture in the institutional sense, also constitutes a starting point in the context of music teaching and playing. This starting point is regarded as the first concrete indication of the institutional status of the musician profession in Turkish music history. Besides the fact that the practices in the Mehterhane are partly in accordance with the professionalism criteria, the institutional identity of the people who work in this institution (playful mehters) makes this institution more special.In this study; The historical process of the transition of music education and performance to professional status was briefly discussed and the practices related to Mehterhane and playing mehter which are accepted as the starting point of this process were tried to be explained within the framework of institutionalization. The continuous payment policy applied to the playing mehter was found to be the most important issue in this context. This payment policy, which is an inevitable necessity within the definitions of profession and professionalism, is thought to be a contribution of Mehterhane organization to the music culture. On the other hand, it is seen that the tayinat and other additional payments paid by the organization are of great importance in the name of professionalization and strengthen the professionalism. Other social rights offered by Mehterhane (such as retirement, promotion, accommodation, etc.) are considered to be of great importance in the process of professionalization and professionalization of music education and performance It has been understood that musical teaching and playing is an important starting point for the Mehterhane in the process of occupation by getting out of the obtained findings. It is thought that this process directly affects the institutional structures outside the mehterhahn and some changes in this period during the vocational training of musical teaching and playing. In this study, in which only one part of this process was studied, ıt tried to draw attention to only the starting point of the vocationalization process of musical teaching and playing. Describing and revealing the continuation of this process requires more extensive research. Such researches, which will be done by taking documents related to the subject, especially obtained from the Ottoman Archives of the Prime Ministry, are of great importance in revealing the process of carrying the professional status of musical teaching and playing.


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