It is a primary duty of a State to provide its people mth a honorable Standard of living within the frametvork of freedom. The main element in the protect of freedom and human honour is SOCIAL SECURITY This is because the social security save those of the people who contribute to the society by their labour, from submitting to the others. fVithin the understanding of a welfare State, the human value always ranks on thefirst piace. Therefore, it is the duty of the State to take eveıy Citizen under the cover of Social Security System. By this, the health and future of our people will be under guarantee on the oııe lıunıl, it will also contribute to a fair disiribution of National Income on the other in the event that we make an assessment view of our country, it will appear that the preseni level of social security is not satisfactory and does not match the basic human honours. However, it is also possible to point out the economic instability for as a reason as well. The Social Security reform program will be brought in force within a contemporary structure mithout much delay.
Anahtar Kelimeler:

Sosyal güvenlik sistemi


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