Kosova Vilayetinde Meydana Gelen Adlî Olaylar (1876-1880) / Judical Events in Kosovar Province (1876-1880)

Özet Osmanlı Devleti'nin önemli vilayet merkezlerinden biri olan Kosova, XIX. yüzyılda devletin içerisinde bulunduğu durum ve dış siyasetteki ilişkilerden olumsuz yönde etkilenmiştir. Özellikle Rusya ile yapılan 93 Harbi, vilayetteki toplumsal yapıyı doğrudan etkilemiş ve buna bağlı olarak pek çok asayiş bozukluğu yaşanmıştır. Çalışmanın ana konusunu kapsayan 1876-1880 yılları arasındaki Kosova Vilayeti'ndeki asayişsizlikler, adliyeye intikal eden olayların belgelerine göre tanzim edilmiştir. Mevcut verilerden hareketle ve örneklem yöntemiyle merkezî yönetimin genel politikaları hakkında bilgiler sunulmuştur. Söz konusu yıllarda Kosova'da meydana gelen adlî olayların; adam öldürme, yaralama, hırsızlık, darp, tecavüz, gasp, eşkıyaya yataklık ve silah çekme şeklinde vuku bulduğu görülmüştür. Osmanlı Devleti, Kosova vilayeti dahilinde yaşanan bu sosyal problemlere karşı sessiz kalmamış ve birtakım tedbirler almıştır. Yaşanan bu olayların sayısı, yeri, türü ve olayları engellemeye yönelik alınan tedbirler çalışmanın muhtevasını oluşturmaktadır. Bu çalışma, Başbakanlık Osmanlı Arşivi belgeleri esas alınarak ve konuya ışık tutan tetkik eserlerden faydalanılarak hazırlanmıştır. Abstract Kosovar, one of a major province centre of ottoman state has been affected adversely from the existing situation and external politic relations in 19th century. Especially War of 93 fought with Russia, directly affected the social structure of the province and correspondingly too many public disorders has been experienced. The public disorders experienced in Kosovar province between 1876 and 1880 which are the main subject of the study have been organized according to the cases devolved to justice. Some knowledge has been given about the centralized management sampling method based on the existing statics. The judicial cases between the years in question, have been occurred in the form of; murder, robbery, pounding, rape, grap, harbouring to bandits and pulling out of weapons. Ottoman State has not been indifferent to these social problems experienced within the Kosovar province and took several steps. The number, location, type and the preventive attempts of these experienced cases composes the main content of this study. This study has been arranged based on Prime Ministry Ottoman Archives and the surveys shedding light on the subject. Key words: Balkans, Kosovar Province, safety, murder, wounding

Kosovar, one of a major province center of ottoman state has been affected adversely from the existing situation and external politic relations in 19th century. Especially War of 93 fought with Russia, directly affected the social structure of the province and correspondingly too many public disorders has been experienced. The public disorders experienced in Kosovar province between 1876 and 1880 which are the main subject of the study have been organized according to the cases devolved to justice. Some knowledge has been given about the centralized management sampling method based on the existing statics. The judicial cases between the years in question, have been occurred in the form of; murder, robbery, pounding, rape, grap, harbouring to bandits and pulling out of weapons. Ottoman State has not been indifferent to these social problems experienced within the Kosovar province and took several steps. The number, location, type and the preventive attempts of these experienced cases composes the main content of this study. This study has been arranged based on Prime Ministry Ottoman Archives and the surveys shedding light on the subject.


BOA. Cevdet Zaptiye (C.ZB), 42/2087

BOA. Dahiliye Nezareti Mektubi Kalemi (DH.MKT), 1319/59

BOA. İrade Dahiliye (İ.DH), 782/64571

BOA. İrade Meclis-i Mahsus (İ.MMS), 59/2754, 64/3045

BOA. İrade Şura-yı Devlet (İ.ŞD), 40/2058

BOA. Sadaret Mektubi Kalemi Mühimme (A.MKT.MHM), 483/10

BOA. Yıldız Esas Evrak (Y.EE), 1/25, 42/218

BOA. Yıldız Perakende Teşrifat (Y.PRK.TŞF), 1/7

BOA. Yıldız Perakende Umumi (Y.PRK.UM), 3/75, 4/18

BOA. Yıldız Sadaret Resmi (Y.A.RES), 5/10

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