Hüseyin Nihal Atsız'ın Romanlarında Fantastiğin İzleri/Traces of Fantastic in the Novels of Huseyin Nihal Atsiz

Özet Roman türü, ilk roman örneklerinin ortaya çıkışından itibaren dünyadaki sosyal, kültürel, ekonomik yapının ve felsefi düşüncenin değişimiyle çeşitli türlere ayrılmış ve birçok kez farklı doğrultuda şekillenmiştir. Bu türler içerisinde modern fantastik roman, postmodern düşüncenin ortaya çıkarttığı modern dünyanın gerçekliğinden uzaklaşmak düşüncesinden kaynağını almıştır. Gerçeğin ya da gerçeği ifade edişin yetersiz kalmasıyla doğaüstü/hayalî unsurlar kullanılmış ve bu vesileyle insanoğlunun kendini anlatma araçlarından biri haline gelmiştir. Türk toplumu, tarihi boyunca kendi kültürünü yaşatmak için gerçeküstü unsurlarla şekillenen edebî eserler vermiştir. Bu eserlerin odağında genellikle dinî hoşgörü, savaş ve kahramanlıklar yer almıştır. İslamiyet'in kabulünden önce, kültürel değerlerin korunması ve sonraki nesillere aktarılmasında masal ve destan türleri kullanılmıştır. İslamiyet'in kabulünden sonra hikaye nevinden metinler ve gazavatnameler aynı görevi üstlenmiştir.  Cumhuriyet döneminden sonra ise tarihî romanlar, Türk kültürünün yaşatılmasında en çok tercih edilen roman türü olmuştur. Yine bu dönemde roman türleri arasında etkileşimin artmasıyla fantastik roman türünde tarihî romandan etkiler görünmeye başlamıştır. Nitekim Hüseyin Nihal Atsız'ın eserlerinin tarihî ve fantastik roman türlerinden izler taşıması, bu çalışmanın çıkış noktası olmuştur. Bu çalışmayla öncelikle fantastik romanın temel unsurlarına değinilmiş ardından da içerik yönüyle fantastik romana yakın duran diğer türlerle benzer ve farklı yönleri belirlenmiştir. Bunun yanında incelenen Bozkurtlar, Dalkavuklar Gecesi ve Z Vitamini, Ruh Adam ve Deli Kurt romanlarındaki ortak ve farklı yönler öne çıkartılarak dikkate sunulmuştur. Roman unsurlarının birbiriyle bağlantısı belirlenirken, bazen yazarı bazen de metni merkeze almak söz konusu olmuştur. Yapılan tespitler sonucunda Hüseyin Nihal Atsız'ın romanlarındaki fantastik kurgunun tespiti amaçlanmış ve bu doğrultuda örneklendirmelere başvurulmuştur. Böylelikle Atsız'ın modern Türk edebiyatında fantastik romanın gelişim sürecindeki yeri ve etkisi ortaya çıkarılmaya çalışılmıştır. Anahtar Kelimeler: Hüseyin Nihal Atsız, Roman, Fantastik, Fantastik Roman. TRACES OF FANTASTIC IN THE NOVELS OF HÜSEYİN NİHAL ATSIZ Abstract Type of novel was divided into different kinds with the changing of social, cultural, economical structure and philosophical ideas in the world since the appearence of first novel samples and it was shaped in different direction many times.In these types, modern fantastic novel, has taken the source from the idea of receding the reality of modern world which postmodern idea make it appeared. By the way of reality or being unsufficient of explaining reality, supernatural/imaginary elements were used and by this way it has been one of the tools of humanbeing to explain themselves. Turkish society has given literary works formed with surrealistic elements to keep its cultural alive throughout history. Generally, on the focus of these works religious toleration, war and heroism take place. Before the acception of Islam, fairytales and epics have been used to transfer into next generation and protect cultural values. After the acception of Islam, texts as a type of story and ghazavatnamahs have undertaken the same duty.  Historical novels have become the most preferred novel to keep Turkish culture alive after the Republic period. In this period there has also been effects of the historical novels in the type of fantastic ones by the increasing interaction among the kinds of novels.  Thus, bearing traces of historical and fantastic novel types in the Hüseyin Nihal Atsız's works has been starting point of this studying. With this study, firstly it was touched to the main elements of fantastic novel then it was determined the same and different sides of other types with the novels which are similiar to fantastic novel in content. Beside this, it was presented to attention by highligting the different and common sides in Bozkurtlar, Dalkavuklar Gecesi ve Z vitamini, Ruh Adam and Deli Kurt novels which were examined.When deciding the connection between novel elements, it has been the case of focusing sometimes text and sometimes author.With the result of these detections, it was aimed to detect the fantastic fiction in Hüseyin Nihal Atsız's novels and in this direction it was applied to references.In this way, it was tried to be appeared the place and effect of developmental process of fantastic novel in Atsız's modern Turkish literature. Key Words: Hüseyin Nihal Atsız, Novel, Fantastic, Fantastic Novel 

Type of novel was divided into different kinds with the changing of social, cultural, economical structure and philosophical ideas in the world since the appearance of first novel samples and it was shaped in different direction many times. In these types, modern fantastic novel, has taken the source from the idea of receding the reality of modern world which postmodern idea make it appeared. By the way of reality or being insufficient of explaining reality, supernatural/imaginary elements were used and by this way it has been one of the tools of human being to explain themselves. Turkish society has given literary works formed with surrealistic elements to keep its cultural alive throughout history. Generally, on the focus of these works religious toleration, war and heroism take place. Before the acceptation of Islam, fairytales and epics have been used to transfer into next generation and protect cultural values. After the acceptation of Islam, texts as a type of story and ghazavatnamahs have undertaken the same duty. Historical novels have become the most preferred novel to keep Turkish culture alive after the Republic period. In this period there has also been effects of the historical novels in the type of fantastic ones by the increasing interaction among the kinds of novels. Thus, bearing traces of historical and fantastic novel types in the Hüseyin Nihal Atsız’s works has been starting point of this working. With this study, firstly it was touched to the main elements of fantastic novel then it was determined the same and different sides of other types with the novels which are similar to fantastic novel in content. Beside this, it was presented to attention by highlighting the different and common sides in Bozkurtlar, Dalkavuklar Gecesi ve Z vitamini, Ruh Adam and Deli Kurt novels which were examined. When deciding the connection between novel elements, it has been the case of focusing sometimes text and sometimes author. With the result of these detections, it was aimed to detect the fantastic fiction in Hüseyin Nihal Atsız's novels and in this direction it was applied to references. In this way, it was tried to be appeared the place and effect of developmental process of fantastic novel in Atsız's modern Turkish literature.


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İncelenen Eserler

Atsız, H. N. (2010). Dalkavuklar Gecesi ve Z Vitamini. İstanbul: Ötüken Neşriyat.

Atsız, H. N. (2011). Bozkurtlar. İstanbul: Ötüken Neşriyat.

Atsız, H. N. (2011). Deli Kurt. İstanbul: Ötüken Neşriyat.

Atsız, H. N. (2011). Ruh Adam. İstanbul: Ötüken Neşriyat.

Mustafa Kemal Üniversitesi Sosyal Bilimler Enstitüsü Dergisi-Cover
  • ISSN: 1304-429X
  • Yayın Aralığı: Yılda 5 Sayı
  • Yayıncı: Hatay Mustafa Kemal Üniversitesi
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