The necessity of reforms became more evident with every domain and war the Ottoman Empire lost to a new monster, the leviathan as Thomas Hobbes famously called the modern state. Ever since the question of Islam and the state has been one of the pressing questions for Muslims the Ummah over. While the call for an “Islamic state” is often solely thought of in relatin to Islamists such as Sayyid Qutb and Abul-Ala Al-Maududi, it in fact has earlier roots in the late Ottoman Empire. While in exile from the aftermath of World War I, but before the establishment of secular nation-states in the former Ottoman domains, Said Halim Pasha, a former grand vizier of the Ottoman Empire and Islamist intellectual, wrote an essay outlining his vision of an Islamic state entitled Les institutions politiques dans la société musulmane (The Political Institutions of Muslim Society)


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