Seyyid Mâzî’de Şiirsel Yön

Makale, Mısır Arap Cumhuriyeti'ndeki Kahire dışındaki bölgelerin şairlerine ışık tutmayı amaçlamaktadır. Bunun nedeni, diğer bölge şairlerinin kaleme aldıkları şiirlerden ayrılan yüksek şiirsel yaratıcılıklarına rağmen eleştirmenlerin bu şairlere ilgi göstermemesidir.

The Poetic Image in The Poetry of el-Said Madi

The article aims at shedding light on poets who live outside Cairo because critics do not pay due attention to those poets. Critics do so despite the high degree of poetic creativity that distinguishes poetry published by regional writers. This article is about the poetic image of the poet (El-Said Madi). The article is divided into two parts: a theoretical section and an applied section. In the theoretical section, the term artistic image in the Arab rhetorical heritage was discussed. In the applied section, the poet and his published works were introduced. Then , the researcher started the rhetorical analysis of the poetic images in the poem "You leave me every evening." The article ended up with a conclusion. The conclusion included the results and recommendations of the article. The poem "You Leave Me Every Evening" was chosen because it contains many distinctive stylistic features. Those stylistic features that have given the poem its speciality in poetic creativity of our poet.


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