Gazete Haberlerinde Okur Temsilcisinin Rolü Üzerine Karşılaştırmalı Bir İnceleme

Haber ile bilginin toplayıcısı ve hedef kitleye ulaştırma aracı olarak görülen medya, temel görevlerini yerine getirirken, tarafsız ve doğru yayıncılık hizmetini yerine getirme sorumluluğunu taşımalıdır. Basının en önemli sorumluluğu haberi ve bilgiyi gerçeğe en yakın biçimde aktarmaktır. Ancak, siyasi ve ekonomik baskılar, kurumsal ve kişisel etkenler, bireylerin en temel hakkı olan iletişim hakkı ve özgürlüğünün sekteye uğramasına sebep olabilmektedir. Bunların önüne geçebilmek, kamuoyu karşısında saygınlığı olan bir medya yaratmak ve devlet otoritesinin basına müdahalede bulunmasını önlemek için medyanın kendi kendini denetlemesi, yani ‘özdenetim’ ya da ‘oto – kontrol’ sistemi getirmesi önemlidir


Media, considered as the collector of information and transmitter of it to target groups, should bear the responsibility to conduct impartial and accurate publishing when fulfilling their basic functions. The most important responsibility of the press is to transmit the news and information as realistic as possible. However, political and economic pressures, institutional and individual factors could interrupt individual right to communicate and freedom, which are included among the most fundamental rights. In order to avoid these, to create a respectful media in public opinion and to prevent state intervention to press, media should regulate itself. That means that they should run an auto-control or self-regulatory system. There are various practices to implement self-regulation in the Turkish media. One of these practices is Ombudsmanship. Media ombudsmanship is one of the important and effective fields of self-regulation in media and social responsibility. Building a balance between readers and newspaper workers, readers’ representative (ombudsman) has become widespread in recent years. One of the most important functions of readers’ representative is to provide support for promoting ethical standards in newspaper accounts. Readers’ representative, who listens to the complaints of readers about the newspaper content as well as providing answers about them in his column, functions as a bridge between the readers and journalists. Providing responses to readers and warning newspaper workers about readers’ complaints, the readers’ representative ensures that news are presented in a more qualified way thus promoting the respectfulness of the newspaper in the readers’ eye. Undertaking important functions in newspaper reports, readers’ representative should be analyzed to what extent he/she could fulfill the above mentioned functions. The rationale for the study is to clarify the place, prevalence and importance of reader’s representative practice in Turkish press. We will be evaluating the findings of a content analysis conducted on the subject themes included in reader’s representative columns of Milliyet, Hürriyet, Cumhuriyet and Sabah newspapers. As a result of this evaluation, we will analyze to what extent readers’ views and recommendations are taken into consideration in Turkish press or for what reasons they are not, if this is the case


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