Üç memleketle istihsal edilen mermer ve krom ihracatında işbirliği imkânları incelenmiştir. Bölgeler arası ticareti geliştirmek üzere, üç memleketten birinde fazla ve diğerlerinde az veya hiç elde edilemeyen kömür, kükürt, kurşun ve çinko cevheri, bentonit, barit, bor tuzu gibi mineraller bazı imkânlar arzetmektedir.


Possibilities of co-operation are discussed regarding exports of mineral commodities, namely, chromite and marble which are produced by the three regional countries. In order to improve the opportunities for the regional trade among Iran, Pakistan and Turkey, the following minerals can offer potentialities: coking coal, sulphur, barite, bentonite, magnesite, lead and zinc ores and boron minerals, which are in short supply in one country and abundant in another. 


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Boron mineral deposits of Turkey. CENTO Symposium on Industrial Rocks and Minerals, 1962, pp. 250-258.

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Clay-Turkey. Mineral Trade Notes, vol. 60, April 1965, p. 13.

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HAQUE, M.Z. (1966) : Educational needs of Pakistan in mine health and safety. CENTO Symposium on Mine Health and Safety, pp. 135-141.

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Joint industrial venture, Pakistan-Iran. Mineral Trade Notes, vol. 63, no. 3, Sept. 1966, p. 62.

KAADEN, G. v.d. (1962) : Barite deposits in Turkey. CENTO Symposium on Industrial Rocks and Minerals, pp. 429-438.

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Keçiborlu sulphur mine. CENTO Symposium on Industrial Rocks and Minerals, 1962, pp. 280-284.

KHADEM, N. (1964) : Summary of base metal resources of Iran. CENTO Symposium on Mining Geology and the Base Metals, pp. 71-88.

KHAN, M.S. (1966) : Increased productivity due to efficient safety practices in Pakistan. CENTO Symposium on Mine Health and Safety, pp. 123-127.

KLINGER, F.L. & ABBAS, S.H. (1962) : Barite deposits of Pakistan. CENTO Symposium on Industrial Rocks and Minerals, pp. 418-428.

Marble-Pakistan. Mineral Trade Notes, vol. 63, no. 2, August 1966, pp. 43-46.

Mineral positions of West Pakistan. CENTO Unclassified Annexe «A» to EC/ı5/M/DII, November 23, 1966.

Minerals Year Book, vol. 1, Metals and Minerals (except Fuels), 1963, p. 320.

QURESHI, N.H. (1961) : Economic aspects of coal in Pakistan. CENTO Symposium on Coaly pp. 29-46.

RICHARDS, R.L. (1962) : Evaporite resources of Pakistan. CENTO Symposium on Industrial Rocks and Minerals, pp. 267-274.

Recent progress in mineral development in Iran. CENTO Meeting, Dec. 1967, Tehran, Iran.

SHAIKH-OL-ESLAM, M.A. & HAERI, H.Y. (1961) : Economics of coal mining in Iran. CENTO Symposium on Coal, pp. 26-28.

SHEKARCHI, E. (1965) : The mineral industry of Iran. Minerals Year Book, vol. IV, Area Reports: International, pp. 993-1001.

SIDDIQUI, M. (1960) : The economics of chromite mining in Pakistan. CENTO Symposium on Chrome Ore, pp. 73-81.

Significant developments in mineral exploration and exploration in Turkey. CENTO Unclassified Annexe «A» to EC/ı6/M/D9, October 1967.

TAYYAB ALİ, S. & İBRAHİM SHAH, (1962) : The bentonite resources of Pakistan. CENTO Symposium on Industrial Rocks and Minerals, pp. 153-160.

THAYER, T.P. (1962) : Some geologic and economic problems of chromite in the CENTO Region. CENTO Report E C/II/M/Dı9.

VAN VLOTEN, R. (1962) : Magnesite in Pakistan. CENTO Symposium on Industrial Rocks and Minerals, pp. 211-215.

WATTS, M. (1960) : The economics of chromite in Iran. CENTO Symposium on Chrome Ore, pp. 33-37.

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WRIGHT, W.S. (1964) : Types of lead and zinc ore deposits in Iran. CENTO Symposium on Mining Geology and The Base Metals, pp. 89-100.