Huzurevinde Yaşayan Yaşlıların Depresif Yakınmaları, Umutsuzluk Düzeyleri ve Ölüm Kaygıları ile İlişkili Özellikler

Characteristics Associated with Depressive Symptoms, Hopelessness and Death Anxiety of the Elderly Living in Rest Homes

Aim: The present study aimed at investigating variables related to psychological healthof the elderly living in rest homes. Accordingly,for the residents of rest homes the associates ofdepressive symptoms, hopelessness level, perceived social support level, experienced deathanxiety and generativity; moreover, reasons forapplying for the rest home and obtained satisfaction from the institution are aimed to beexamined. Method: For these purposes 100randomly selected people from two different resthomes completed questionnaires mentionedabove. Results: According to the results of theregression analyses, depressive symptomswere found to be associated with lower education level, some reasons of applying for the resthome, and lower level of satisfaction from theinstitution. As for the associates of hopelessness, lower education level, higher economicalstatus of the resident’s institution, lower level ofperceived social support from friends, lowergenerativity level, and lower level pf satisfactionfrom the institution were found to be significant.Finally, death anxiety was found to be associated with lower age, some reasons of applyingfor the rest home, higher perceived social support from a special person, and lower generativity level. Conclusion: These results arethought to be important to determine the riskgroups of depressive symptoms, hopelessnessand death anxiety in rest homes


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