Giriş: İntihar, dünyada önde gelen ölüm nedenlerinden biridir (Mgaya, Kazaura, Outwater ve Kinabo 2008) DSÖ verilerine göre, ülkemizdeki intihar hızı düşük olmakla birlikte, intihar girişimlerinin son 20 yılda özellikle ergen yaş grubunda belirginleşmesi dikkat çekicidir(Dilsiz&Dilsiz 1993, Uçan 2005). Biz çalışmamızda intihar girişimi ile başvuran hastaların epidemiyolojik özelliklerini tanımlamaya, girişim yöntemleri ve yaş grupları açısından yoğunluğu fazla olan gruplara dikkat çekmeye çalıştık. Metod: Çalışmamızda Gazi Üniversitesi Tıp Fakültesi (GÜTF) Hastanesi Erişkin-Çocuk Acil Servisi’ne Aralık 2009-Ocak 2010 tarihlerinde intihar girişimi ile başvuran hastaların dosyaları retrospektif olarak incelendi. Bulgular: 71 hastanın %80.3’ü kadın, yaş ortalaması 22.73±10.1 olup, %72’si 12-24 yaş grubunda yer almaktaydı. %95.8’nin
Anahtar Kelimeler:

İntihar, ergen, ilaç, acil servis


Introduction: Suicide is one of the most important reasons of death in the world (Mgaya, Kazaura, Outwater ve Kinabo 2008)According to WHO data, it is important to pay attention to increasing rate of suicide in adolescent age groups last 20 years(Dilsiz&Dilsiz 1993, Uçan 2005).n this study, we tried to analyze epidemiologic specifications and suicide methods according to age groups. Method: We retrospectively reviewed files of the patients who presented with suicide to the Gazi University Emergency Department (adult and pediatric) between December 2009 and January 2010.Results: Female gender was 80.3% of 71 cases. Mean age was 22.73±10.1 and majority of the cases (72%) was in the age group of 12-24. General clinical situation were good in 95.8% of cases. 20 cases had previous psychiatric diagnosis, 13 cases had chronic organic disease, and sexual abuse was found in a case. It is the first suicidal attempt in 68 cases. 59 of cases were discharged from the ED after short period of observation. 9 cases were admitted to ward and 3 cases leave the ED without permission despite to medical advice. There is no death in the study group. Suicide method was drug ingestion in 90.2% of cases. Multiple drug ingestion was found in 45% of cases. Paracetamol and salycilates were the most common ingested drug group (39.4%). Presentation of the cases to the ED was found mostly in first hour of the suicidal attempt. Conclusion: We found that suicidal attempt was the highest in the age group of 12-24 in our study. Drug ingestion was the common route of suicidal attempt and it is concordant with literature. In addition to our results, we wanted to pay attention to easy reach to drugs and to precautions. Suicide is one of the most important reasons of death in the world1 . According to WHO data, although the suicide rate is low in our country, it is important to pay attention to increasing rate of suicide in adolescent age groups last 20 years (Uçan 2005, Dilsiz ve Dilsiz 1993). In this study, we tried to analyze epidemiologic specifications and suicide methods according to age groups.


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