Okul Öncesi Eğitimi Alanında Çalışan Öğretmenlerin Aile Eğitim Stratejilerine ilişkin Görüşlerinin Kıdem Durumuna Göre İncelenmesi

Araştırma, okul öncesi kurumda görev yapan öğretmenlerin aile eğitim etkinliklerine

A Study Into Of Preschool Teachers’ Views Related To With Family Education Strategies According To Seniority Conditions

The current study was carried out to determine the views of preschool teachers withregard to the application of family education activities. In the study, survey methodwas used. A total sum of 830 teachers participated in the study. “The Questionnaireof Family Education Activities” was applied to the participant teachers prepared. Theitems of the questionnaire were formed after reviewing the related literature. Seveninstructors at working at different universities were applied for their expert ideas withregard to the items in the questionnaire and the items were rearranged. Following that,a pilot study was carried out with 120 teachers and the questionnaire was finallyformed. The data obtained were analyzed in the package program of SPSS 15.00through chi square (X2) method.At the end of the study, educational activities that were done by teachers for theparents were given in their frequency order. The methods they mostly applied were asfollows: it was found that the frequency of practicing family education activities interms of teachers’ status of experience was in that way respectively teachers with anexperience of 1-5 years used individual interviews at the rate of 50.0%; those with anexperience of 1-5 years used educational meetings at the rate of 51.9%; those with anexperience of 1-5 years used activities in class at the rate of 48.7%; those with anexperience of 1-5 years used home visits at the rate of 54.3%; those with an experienceof 1-5 years used educational notice boards at the rate of 49.8% and the ones with anexperience of 1-5 years used conferences at the rate of 47.5%. In addition, it was alsofound that the teachers with a working experience of 1-5 applied the stages ofpreparation, practice and evaluation of family education activities at a higher levelcompared to the ones with an experience of 6-10 years and 11 years and over.


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