Tor Andrae'nin Kur'ân-ı Kerîm'e Bakışı

Tor Julias Efraim Andrae (1885-1946), a very important figure among the orientalist Sira writers, is a historian of religions and the bishop of the Lutheran Church of Sweden. Andrae, has accomplished a great number of works however he comes forth, more than anything, as a historian focusing especially on the history of religions and religious psychology. In this field, he has specialized on Mohammed (pbuh) and has put forward some original ideas about this subject. Some of these have more importance in terms of this thesis; of his works that have been translated into many languages, particularly two; "Mohammed; The Man and His Faith" and "Die Person Muhammeds in Lehre und Glauben Seiner Gemeinde" stand out as his most original and prominent works in the field. Tor Andrae?s thoughts on the Qur?an are one of the important factors that will help us understand exactly how he views the Prophet Muhammed. This is also evident from the hundreds of references he has made from the Qur?an in his books on the Prophet Muhammed. In this article, his view on the Qur?an has been analyzed and critiqued.
Anahtar Kelimeler:



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