İbnü'l-Arabi'nin Fususu'l-Hikem'inde Külliler Meselesi ve Bir Eleştiri

In this article ?first of all? in the frame of Ibn Arabi?s Fusus al-Hikam, the problem of universals will be approached shortly. After that Masataka Takeshita?s opinions about universals in the philosophy of Ibn Arabi will be evaluated; and his comparison about Ibn Sina?s theory of universals and Abu Hashim?s theory of states with Ibn Arabi?s theory of universals will be debated shortly.
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In this article –first of all– in the frame of Ibn Arabi’s Fusus al-Hikam, the problem of universals will be approached shortly. After that Masataka Takeshita’s opinions about universals in the philosophy of Ibn Arabi will be evaluated; and his comparison about Ibn Sina’s theory of universals and Abu Hashim’s theory of states with Ibn Arabi’s theory of universals will be debated shortly