The effects and consequences of environmental disasters are increasingly manifesting their effects on our daily life such as air pollution, water intoxication and climate changes. With its social, political, religious, and philosophical aspects the environmental problems have been transferred into global ones.  In this essay I will discuss the environmental problems through two fundamental paradigms: the first paradigm is the anthropocentric worldview which is considered the cause of all environmental issues. The other paradigm is responsibility ethics with its deep roots in the western philosophy and in the Islamic philosophy as well, which is considered as the cure for environmental issues. Both understandings will be embraced in a life-centered, holistic perspective about life and existence. This understanding will be grounded by reference to the holistic cosmological understanding of the first known Islamicmoralists, Ikhvanu?s-Safa.
Anahtar Kelimeler:



The effects and consequences of environmental disasters are increasingly manifesting their effects on our daily life such as air pollution, water intoxication and climate changes. With its social, political, religious, and philosophical aspects the environmental problems have been transferred into global ones. In this essay I will discuss the environmental problems through two fundamental paradigms: the first paradigm is the anthropocentric worldview which is considered the cause of all environmental issues. The other paradigm is responsibility ethics with its deep roots in the western philosophy and in the Islamic philosophy as well, which is considered as the cure for environmental issues. Both understandings will be embraced in a life-centered, holistic perspective about life and existence. This understanding will be grounded by reference to the holistic cosmological understanding of the first known Islamic moralists, Ikhvanu’s-Safa


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