Havayolu Taşımacılığında Hizmet Kalitesi Ölçümü

Günümüz yaşamında insanların yaşadıkları ülke içerisinde ya da Dünya’ nın herhangi bir yerindeki bir noktaya seyahat etmeleri çok doğal bir süreç haline gelmiştir. Gerek iş gerekse tatil amacıyla yapılan seyahatlerde gidilmesi planlana yere en kısa sürede ulaşılması genellikle herkes tarafından arzu edilen bir durumdur. Kısa sürede ulaşım denildiğinde de Hava Yolu taşımacılığı ilk akla gelen ulaşım türü olmaktadır.

Measuring The Service Quality In Airline Companies

In today’s life , it is a very natural process to travel anywhere in countries which is people living  or a point all over the world .To reach place that is planned for holiday or work travel ,is a usually desired by everyone as soon as possible .Airline transportation comes to mind first when called transportation in a short time. The choice of airline transportation for the trip will be speed, comfort and safety are effective. Airline companies should add an attractive factor to provide preferability in competitive environment. In recent years, both the number of flights and airline companies along with increase, competition has concentrated at aviation sector in Turkey. The companies services quality which is offering airline transportation services and the degree of ensure customer satisfaction will affect competitiveness. Companies that want to maintain the competitiveness, be able to identify customer expectations correctly and must do the necessary work to overcome even meet these expectations. Air transport services offering a company's service quality dimensions of investigating the effects of customer satisfaction this study, which covered a rate of 86.8 % of customer expectations , and the factors that most influence customer satisfaction, has been found to be reliable.


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