Haçlı Seferleri Esnasında Bilâdü'ş-Şâm'da Birlik Kurulmasında Nureddin Mahmud'un Rolü

The Role of Nur al-Din Zengi in unifying Bilad al-Sham during the Crusades

The Crusades were one of the most dangerous and the infamous wars led by European countries against the Muslim world and in particular Bilad al-Sham, as it left great effects on subsequent events in the Muslim and western worlds. It is well-known that these wars took its name from the cross which became a motto for these wars. A number of reasons helped in the making of the crusade amongst them:  the conditions that prevailed in Europe, the historical context, reasons concerned with Christianity, the Battle of Manzikert and the call of Emperor Alexius Comnenus, the Byzantine Emperor, to the Pope Gregory VII to assist the Christians of the East. In response to the crusade some Muslim leaders made an effort to counter them and try to defend Muslim lands and force the crusaders out. Thus, the family Zengi emerged to carry out this task in defending the Muslim world and its holy land and sites. Prior to defending the land from this foreign invasion and occupation, strenuous efforts were essential to unify the Muslim states in order to achieve this task. Therefore, this paper studies the efforts of Nur al-Din Mahmoud in unify Bilad al-Sham during the Crusades. The importance of the study is reflected in shedding light on this crucial historical period and tries to show the efforts that was made during the Crusades to find a united Islamic front to counter the crusade. The study’s main objectives are aimed at seeing what prepared Nur al-Din to take on this great task from his background and biography.  Also, the extent of his role in unifying Bilad al-Sham during the period of the crusades in preparation to face them and end their occupation of Muslim lands.


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