Development and Validation of Collaboration and Communication Skills Assessment Instruments Based on Project-Based Learning

This study aim to describe the validity, practicality and effectiveness of the assessment instrument of collaboration and communication skills based on Project Based Learning. The development design used the Research and Development method with the development model of Borg and Gall that is limited  only 7 steps of development. The number  of  small group trial subject was  32 students and the number of  wider trial subject was 102 students. The result of the study showed that the assessment instruments of  collaboration and communication skills based on project-based learning was valid in terms of construction, substance and language after expert testing with a slight revision. In the small group test the instrument  was  practical, and effective while in the broad group test each item was  reliable with the Cronbach's Alpha value self assessment instruments for collaboration and communication skills as a whole were 0.747 and 0.746.


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