Elektronik ticaret, iç ve dış ticaretin gelişmesine önemli katkılar sağlamakta; ülkemiz işletmelerinin, üretim ve hizmetleriyle dünyaya açılmasını kolaylaştırmaktadır. Elektronik ticaretin gelişebilmesi için, gelişmiş teknolojik ve yasal altyapıyla desteklenmesi gereken bilişim güvenliği (cyber security) tesis edilmelidir. Bu çerçevede, ülkemizde Elektronik Ticaretin Düzenlenmesi Hakkında Kanun ve bu Kanun'a dayanılarak yönetmelikler çıkarılmıştır. Çalışmanın konusunu, elektronik ticareti düzenleyen mevzuatın genel bir değerlendirmesi oluşturmaktadır.

Electronic commerce provides significant contributions to domestic and foreign trade; namely, it enables our country's firms' access to the World with their products and services. For the improvement of electronic commerce, cyber security which has to be supported by developed technology and legal infrastructure should be established. In this context, Act on Regulation of Electronic Commerce and by-laws have been issued. The subject of this paper is an evaluation of the legislation which regulates electronic commerce.When the legislation has been evaluated, it is determined that all reguired precations have been taken for the realisation of electronic commerce in a secured environment by the fact that all natural and legal persons keep their datas in electronic environment, before and during their activities, customers have the ability to rescind and update an errouneously placed order, personal information of customers, and credit card information are protected. There is the obligation of service providers and/or proxy service provider to keep fundamentals of electronic contract under the title of "transaction directory", obligations related to order, confirmation of order, burden of proof for transactions subject to complaint belongs to the service provider and/or proxy service provider, as well as fundamentals concerning application for complaint and supervision. Fundamental Rights are the basic items of the libertarian democratic system. The State is approved by the majority of its citizens under the favour of Fundamental Rights.As such fundamental rights are not only limited to the individual's being semiindependent and guaranteed against the State but also they should be considered as a binding contract to the State and as the foundation of political consensus.


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