An Examination on Manegers’ Opinions on the Importance of Cultural Intelligence

Purpose – Especially, adaptation to multicultural work environments is of great importance for organizational performance as well as for individual performance. The aim of this study is to determine the opinions of the managers of a multinational businesses operating in Kosovo regarding the importance of the cultural intelligence of the employees. Design/methodology/approach – The study is a qualitative research in terms of its methodology and it was designed according to the descriptive phenomenological design. Findings – The data of the study were collected from a group of 8 participants with a semi-structured interview form and the study group was determined according to the “purposive sampling” techniques and the “criteria sampling” technique by taking into consideration the general fiction and problem of the study. Content analysis technique was used in the analysis of the data of the study. Discussion – The findings of the study showed that for the managers, cultural intelligence levels of employees was a critical success factors in adapting to colleagues, managers, organizational and managerial processes.


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