2011 yılından itibaren Ortadoğu’da süregelen kaos ve çatışmalar, geniş çaplı bir mülteci göçüne yol açmıştır. Bu göç hareketinin sosyo-ekonomik etkilerinin yanı sıra, mültecilerin girişimcilik potansiyellerinin araştırılması hem mültecilerin entegrasyon süreçleri hem de göç alan ülkelerin ekonomileri açısından önem arz etmektedir. Bu çalışma, Çorum’da ikamet eden mültecilerin yaşam koşullarını ve ekonomik entegrasyon süreçlerini anlamak amacıyla, sosyal ağların ve demografik özelliklerin girişimcilik niyetleri üzerindeki etkilerini derinlemesine incelemeyi hedeflemektedir. Araştırma kapsamında, kolayda örneklem yöntemiyle ulaşılan ve Çorum’da ikamet eden 264 mülteciye Google Drive üzerinden online ve yüz yüze anket uygulanmıştır. Çalışmanın bulguları, mültecilerin göç öncesinde sahip oldukları sosyal ağlardan önemli ölçüde faydalandıklarını ve bu ağlar vasıtasıyla göç ettikleri ülkede de yeni gelen mültecilere destek sağladıklarını göstermektedir. Mültecilerin sahip oldukları sosyal ağların, mültecilerin girişimcilik niyetleri üzerinde istatistiksel olarak anlamlı bir etkiye sahip olduğu tespit edilmiştir. Bununla birlikte, bu ağların genellikle aile üyeleri, tanıdıklar ve arkadaşlarla sınırlı kaldığı; daha geniş ölçekli ağlara erişim noktasında ise yetersizliklerin bulunduğu saptanmıştır. Ayrıca, mültecilerin uyruk, gelir düzeyi, eğitim seviyesi ve hane halkı büyüklüğü gibi demografik faktörlerin de girişimcilik niyetleri üzerinde belirleyici rol oynadığı tespit edilmiştir. Bu çalışma, mültecilerin girişimcilik potansiyellerini değerlendirirken sosyal ağ dinamiklerinin ve demografik faktörlerin dikkate alınmasının önemine vurgu yapmaktadır.
Since 2011, the ongoing chaos and conflicts in the Middle East have led to a large-scale refugee migration. In addition to the socio-economic impacts of this migration, investigating the entrepreneurial potential of refugees is crucial both for their integration processes and for the economies of the host countries. This study aims to deeply examine the effects of social networks and demographic characteristics on the entrepreneurial intentions of refugees residing in Çorum, with the goal of understanding their living conditions and economic integration processes. As part of the research, a survey was administered to 264 refugees residing in Çorum, who were reached through convenience sampling. The survey was conducted both online via Google Drive and through face-to face interviews. The findings of the study indicate that refugees benefited significantly from the social networks they had prior to migration and that these networks continued to provide support to newly arrived refugees in the host country. It has been determined that the social networks possessed by refugees have a statistically significant impact on their entrepreneurial intentions. However, it has also been found that these networks are generally limited to family members, acquaintances, and friends, with deficiencies in accessing broader, larger scale networks. Moreover, demographic factors such as nationality, income level, education level, and household size were also found to have a determining effect on entrepreneurial intentions. This study emphasizes the importance of considering both the dynamics of social networks and demographic factors when evaluating the entrepreneurial potential of refugees.
">Since 2011, the ongoing chaos and conflicts in the Middle East have led to a large-scale refugee migration. In addition to the socio-economic impacts of this migration, investigating the entrepreneurial potential of refugees is crucial both for their integration processes and for the economies of the host countries. This study aims to deeply examine the effects of social networks and demographic characteristics on the entrepreneurial intentions of refugees residing in Çorum, with the goal of understanding their living conditions and economic integration processes. As part of the research, a survey was administered to 264 refugees residing in Çorum, who were reached through convenience sampling. The survey was conducted both online via Google Drive and through face-to face interviews. The findings of the study indicate that refugees benefited significantly from the social networks they had prior to migration and that these networks continued to provide support to newly arrived refugees in the host country. It has been determined that the social networks possessed by refugees have a statistically significant impact on their entrepreneurial intentions. However, it has also been found that these networks are generally limited to family members, acquaintances, and friends, with deficiencies in accessing broader, larger scale networks. Moreover, demographic factors such as nationality, income level, education level, and household size were also found to have a determining effect on entrepreneurial intentions. This study emphasizes the importance of considering both the dynamics of social networks and demographic factors when evaluating the entrepreneurial potential of refugees.
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