Sürdürülebilir ve Yaşanabilir Kentler İçin Yeşil Alanların Kullanımları; Kişiye Tahsisli Kent Bahçeleri

Kentsel alanların sürdürülebilir gelişmesine katkıda bulunan kentin yeşil alanları kentsel yaşam kalitesini

Use of Green Spaces for Liveable and Sustainable Cities; Urban Allotment Gardens

Urban green spaces contributing to sustainable development of cities are of the characteristics ofincreasing human quality of life. It is a requirement for more comfortable physical and psychological life to predictthe needs in a place resulting from its physical, physiological, psychological and social structures and to shape suchenvironment consisting of open spaces according to such needs. Today’s cities have turned out to be the clusters ofconcrete structures due to rapid human population and distorted and dense urbanisation. Urban human quality oflife is also negatively affected by environmental problems such as air, water, soil and noise pollution and the useof arable lands out of their main aims. Excessive building density in cities due to various reasons increases rantson lands and confines the ratio of public areas like green spaces. Main material of the study is urban small gardens,a type of community gardens which can be evaluated to be alternative green space sources in urban design works,several examples of which can be seen abroad from old days to present. Such garden types are known in Turkey inthe names of small gardens, public gardens, urban gardens, hobby gardens and urban allotment gardens. As studymethod, related literature review was performed from Turkey and abroad and required etude, analysis and synthesismethods were used. As a conclusion, large cities lack of green spaces and recreation areas. In the present study, therole and importance of urban gardens, a type of allotment gardens seen for a long time in the world, in liveable andsustainable urban design is focused by considering that in urban design studies, urban gardens can be evaluated asan alternative green space use. Positive contributions of urban small gardens were put forward on humans and theincrease of green area rate.


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Iğdır Üniversitesi Fen Bilimleri Enstitüsü Dergisi-Cover
  • ISSN: 2146-0574
  • Yayın Aralığı: Yılda 4 Sayı
  • Başlangıç: 2011
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