‘Monreo’ Şeftali Çeşidinde Aminoetoksivinilglisin (AVG) ve Naftalen Asetik Asit’in (NAA) Hasat Önü Dökümü ve Meyve Kalitesi Üzerine Etkileri

Bu çalışma Monreo şeftali çeşidinin hasat önü dökümünü azaltmak ve meyve kalitesini artırmak amacıyla

The Effect of Aminoethoxyvinylglycine (AVG) and Napthalene Acetic Acid (NAA) on the Preharvest Drop and Fruit Quality in Monreo Peach Variety

This study was carried out to increase the fruit quality and reduce preharvest drop of Monreo peachvariety. For this purpose, 150 and 225 mg L–1 aminoethoxyvinylglycine [(AVG) (4 weeks before the anticipatedharvest date)] with 10 and 20 mg L–1 napthalene acetic acid [(NAA), 2 weeks before the anticipated harvestdate] were sprayed to the trial trees. In the study, pre-harvest drop and some fruit quality parameters [solublesolids content (SSC, %), pH, fruit flesh firmness (kg), titratable acidity (TA, g malic acid 100 mL-1) and fruitcolor characteristics (L*, C*, h°)] were determined. AVG treatments was found to be different in significant level(P<0.05) than NAA treatments and control with respect to reducing pre-harvest drop at the anticipated harvest date.AVG and NAA positively affected the SSC of fruit. In general, the pH was reduced towards the anticipated harvestdate. The flesh firmness was linearly reduced towards the anticipated harvest date, but it was positively affected byincreasing AVG doses


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