Çukurova Üniversitesi Yerleşkesinde Görüntü Kirliliğine Neden Olan Etkenlerin Belirlenmesi

Görüntü kirliliği ya da görsel kirlilik olarak adlandırılan olumsuz görsel etki, genel olarak, doğal ve kültürel

Determination of Factors Causing Visual Pollution in Çukurova University Campus

The negative visual impact, which is called visual pollution or visual impurity, can be expressed asall of the images that disturb the human being in the natural and cultural environment. In the century we are in, theproblems caused by visual pollution have been comprehended and started to study to take measures. These visualimpact assessment studies mainly take place on urban scale, but also the areas of education such as universitycampuses where perception is important can be realized in more detail. In this research, a visual impact assessmentwas carried out with a participatory approach in Çukurova University Campus, and firstly the factors causing thevisual pollution in the campuses have been determined within the scope of structural and plant equipment in thesample areas. With the sensory analysis, the factors related to the visual effect that the users demand in ÇukurovaUniversity Campus were determined, enhancement suggestions for visual quality have been developed throughoutthe campus.


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