Comparative Analysis of Park User Preferences in Konya (Turkey) and Kirkuk (Iraq) Cities

provide different benefits to the city apart from being an open area only. Parks are open and green area system components that have effects on the city in many dimensions such as physical, social and economic structures and livability, ecological environment protection, urban aesthetics, education, recreation and contributions to children's education. It is known that parks are valuable for urban sustainability and supporting quality of life and it is seen that the parks have become an important quality objective of cities in terms of both quantity and quality. A park is not only a green area in the city but also an area from which different users can benefit equally as a public space. Park areas are expected to provide services for the needs and requests of different age groups, genders and occupational groups separately. Because of this reason, in planning, it is necessary to consider primarily the designs that give peace and confidence to users, enable them to relax and rest, and most importantly, to be pleased. Planning oriented decisions should be made by systematizing criticisms, reactions, requests of users, various observations, researches such as monitoring, investigation. In this study; park visits of park users in Konya and Kirkuk, their purpose of using parks, units and equipment that should be available in parks, benefits of parks and preferences for activities were determined. Later, different cultures, geographies, social life habits and preferences of park users in Konya and Kirkuk cities have been compared based on the findings obtained. This comparison also shows what kind of changes park planning and design works may undergo on universal and regional scales according to the preferences of park users. The statistically significant differences were determined for preferences related to park visit frequencies (p:0.03), park visit hours (p:0,00), park visit durations (p:0.04), means of transport while going to parks (p:0.00), purpose of using parks (p:0.01), units that should be available in parks (p:0.03) and benefits provided by parks (p:0.00). Suggestions were made to sharers of the subject based on the results obtained.


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