Şehir, toplum ve bireyin hayatını kuşatıcı rollere sahip olduğu kadar, iktisadî faaliyetlerin de yön vericisi olmuştur. Politik bir değere haiz olan bu mekânın köy ve benzeri yerleşim birimlerinden farklılığı düzenliliği, sınırı ve kuralları olan bir yer olmasıdır. Çünkü sosyal ve iktisadî bağlamda çıkması muhtemel anlaşmazlıkları çözecek hukuk kuralları da burada ortaya çıkmıştır. Örneğin İslam dünyasının her bölgesinde ve şehrinde var olan “hisbe teşkilatı” şehirdeki iktisadî anlaşmazlıkları çözmek ve düzeni sağlamak için vardı. İktisadi faaliyetlerinin asıl gerçekleştiği yerler, şehirlerdir. Şehirlerde ekonomik hayat çarşı-pazarda vuku bulmaktadır. Şehirleşme Horasan bölgesinde erken bir zamana tarihlenmektedir. Horasan bölgesinde şehir hayatının iktisadî akışının gerçekleştiği çarşı-pazar/sûk/bâzâr adlı mekânlar, İslamiyet’in başından itibaren bölgenin her şehrinde mevcuttu. Bölgede toplumun ihtiyaç duyduğu her türlü ürün bu mekanlarda bulunmaktaydı. 10. Yüzyıl İslam coğrafyacıları bölgedeki çarşıların ihtisaslaşmalarına dair bilgiler sunmaktadırlar. Bu çalışmada ilk olarak Horasan şehirlerindeki çarşı-pazarlar hakkında genel bilgiler verilecektir. Ardından Bölge şehirlerindeki çarşı-pazarlar ayrı ayrı sunulacak olup, bu mekânlardaki işleyiş ve denetime de değinilecektir. Son olarak ise çarşı-pazarda ticarete konu olan ürünler ele alınacaktır.

Commercial Places in Khorasan Cities And Products Sold at This Place (8-10. Centuries)

             Absract:             Economic activities take place mostly in cities. The urbanization in the Khorasan region is very old. There have been markets in every city since the beginning of Islam in the region. All kinds of products were available here. Islamic geographers of the 10th century give information about the specialization of regional markets. In this study, firstly, general information about the markets of Khorasan cities will be given. Then, each city's markets will be presented separately. Finally, the products sold in the markets will be evaluated.Summary:The city affects the life of society and the individual. The city is also the engine of economic activities. A place with city limits and rules. laws that solve potential social and economic conflicts have also emerged here. For example, it solved economic conflicts and maintained order in all regions and cities of the Islamic world. Urban life is closely linked to trade, industry and agriculture. The cities were fed with food from rural areas. This led to an intense relationship between the city and the countryside. This was made possible by the class of commerce. In Khorasan, the city was in close contact with commerce, industry and agriculture. Parallel to the domination of the Abbasids, there have been developments in the Islamic world. Cities have been an important part of the development of this period. Because the purchases took place in the cities. Baghdad is an important indicator of the economic development of this period. Baghdad, built regularly, was built by competent people. In the city, a unique order has been created: markets, markets, inns and fairs. One of the characteristics of medieval cities is the consideration of ethnic, religious and regional elements. This was taken into account during the construction of the city of Baghdad. The city was built on the basis of citizens, ethnic and religious groups in keeping with the spirit of the times.Urbanization is very old in the region of Khorasan. According to pottery materials, the Khorasan settlement goes back five thousand years. In the Middle Ages, the cities of Khorasan are an example of oriental urbanism and especially of the urbanism of Iran. The physical construction of cities here; It consisted of Kûhendiz, ehristan and Rabaz. And there was a city wall around the city. Kûhendiz was surrounded by şehristan. The administrative building, the Mint and the prison where the governors were present were present in the şehristan. The doors on the şehristan hall were opened to the rabad. There are in the Kûhendiz, bazaars, shops, mosques, baths, palace members, civil servants and big merchants, madrasahs and caravanserais. Rabaz, another element of the city, were surrounded the şehristan. In Rabaz; the market place, artisans, gardeners and field owners were lived. The market in the Khorasan had developed. The bazaars, built in different areas of expertise, were arranged around the mosque according to their location. Markets, which are another place of commerce, have developed in every city in the region. For foreign traders, caravanserais were established. Market control at the bazaar was carried out with Hisbe organization. The officer who did this was called the muhtesip. The four metropolitan cities of Nîşâbûr, Merv, Herat and Belh, were important trading centers in the Middle Ages. Besides, there were small trade centers here. In the specialty markets of these cities, local and other products have been sold. The major traders in the area lefting the products at the hostel located at the entrance of the city. The products left in these inns were taken by local merchants and taken to the markets. The markets in the region are designed accordingly. In Khorasan, importance is given to the market. These places were inspected and controlled by Hisbe organization. The products made in Horasan were first sent to local towns. Cotton, linen, cereals, industrial products and dried fruits are exported to remote areas. These products were sold mainly in the markets of Kirman, Maveraünnehir, Harîzm and Baghdad. It has also taken its place on foreign markets, from India to Andalusia. In addition to the products manufactured here, the region also made a significant gain thanks to raw materials and imported products. Both cotton and cotton products were exported from Khorasan. Wool and linen products have also been exported. Cotton and cotton products were mainly exported from Nîsâbûr and Merv. Bûsenc's valuable timber was the most important export item. Grain products have been exported from cities such as Nîsâbûr, Merv, Belh and Serahs. Herat is a supplier of confectionery. Spices such as musk, amber, almond and cinnamon were exported from the region. The fruits produced in Khorasan were healthy, durable and delicious. They have been preferred inside and outside the region. Imported products; Weaving, lumber, fur, wool, silk weaving, various animals, animal skins and weapons. Cûndişabur sugar was imported. Trade in the region had developed. Therefore Horasan has been the resort of the class of merchants in the world. Here, the administration's intervention in trade was limited. This enabled the price policy to work freely. Despite the limited opportunities of the period, economic development in Khurasan was an important level. 


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