Bizans Sarayında Müslüman-Hıristiyan Münazarası -Büveyhî Elçisi Bâkıllânî ile İmparator II. Basieios Arasında Geçen Tartışma

Bizans Sarayında Müslüman-Hıristiyan Münazarası -Büveyhî Elçisi Bâkıllânî ile İmparator II. Basieios Arasında Geçen Tartışma

This article focuses on the talks that took place between the Ash’arite theologian al- Baqillani, who went to Constantinople as an ambassador in the 4th/10th century, with the emperor and patriarch of the era in the Byzantine palace. In the study, the talks that occurred between Muslims and Christians are briefly mentioned and after starting with an introduction in which the authenticity and unique nature of these talks is focused upon, a translation of the texts of the talks, which has come to us today from al- Baqillani himself, is given. In the rest of the work, we deal first with the historical background of the talks. Within this framework, the date at which the journey took place, the people who participated in the talks and al- Baqillani’s impressions of the Byzantine palace are given. In the following section an analysis of the contents of the talks is given. Here, the miracle of Prophet Muhammad pbuh , in which he split the moon into two, the nature of Prophet Jesus pbuh , the unification of God and humanity in one body and the chastity of Christian priests are discussed. The article is completed by a conclusion which summarizes the matters examined.