Şehitlik ve Kitle Mobilizasyonu: Psiko-Sosyal Bağlamda Kasım Süleymani Suikastı

Bu çalışma teorik olarak şehitlik psikolojisine ve şehitlik davranışının ortaya çıkardığı sosyal mobilizizasyonlara odaklanmaktadır. Şehitlik psikolojisinin kökenlerinin sosyal bağlamla ilgili olarak sosyal kimlikle bağlantılı olduğunu iddia etmektedir. Pratik olarak ise Kasım Süleymani’nin öldürülmesi sonrası İran’da ortaya çıkan sosyal psikoloji incelenecektir. Süleymani’nin öldürülmesi sonrası ortaya çıkan bağlam, şehitliğin sosyal psikolojik koşulları açısından tartışılacaktır. İran toplumunun sahip olduğu şehitlik duygusu ve davranış pratiğinin uzun tarihsel sosyolojik bir sürecin ürünü olduğu ve Şii inancının norm, değer ve kurallarıyla birlikte gelişen bir kolektif eylem olduğu tespit edilmeye çalışılacaktır. Bu bağlamda, öncelikle şehitlik kavramı ve şehitlik psikolojisi teorileri ele alınacaktır. Ardından şehitliğin Şii geleneğindeki yeri ve sosyal-psikolojik değeri incelenecektir. Son olarak Kasım Süleymani’nin öldürülmesiyle birlikte kitlelerin nasıl mobilize edildiği ve sosyal sermayenin arttığı değerlendirilecektir.

Martyrdom And Mass Mobilization: Qassem Soleimani Assassination In Psycho-Social Context

In recent years, psychosocial studies have become an important area of interest in the social sciences and socio-political events are tried to be analyzed through social psychology. Socio-political events have been evaluated through social learning in relation to the social context. One of the rising concepts in terms of social psychology has been the concept of martyrdom. Martyrdom has become an important phenomenon in both conflict psychology and political behavior researches. The behavior of individuals or groups who sacrificed themselves for a cause of martyrdom has begun to be examined. Accordingly, different approaches have emerged that examine the psychology of martyrdom: Psycho-pathological approach, rational choice approach, grievance/threat approach and social identity approach. In this study, martyrdom psychology has been handled in the context of social identity approach and the importance of social learning has been emphasized. The psychopathology approach has been considered to be reductionist. It has been claimed that individuals or groups have practiced martyrdom behavior by learning from their social environment. Thus, the capacity of martyrdom psychology to support not only individual but mass mobilization has been emphasized. The role of authority figures has particularly been emphasized in the social learning process. In this study, martyrdom psychology has been tried to be interpreted through Qassem Soleimani assassination. Firstly, Iranian society has been examined through the Shiite tradition and it has been emphasized how the Shiite norms, values and rules have shaped the behavior of its members historically. The social impact of Shiism has been evaluated through two case studies: Karbala Incident and 12. Imam’s Disappearance. On the other hand, the effect of Shia on behavior has been discussed through three practices: Ravza Readings, Taziya and Processions. After discussing the effect of the Shia tradition on martyrdom behavior, the effect of martyrdom psychology on mass mobilization has been examined through the Qassem Soleimani assassination. After the death of Soleimani, mobilizations both in Iran and abroad have been discussed and the mobilizing role of martyrdom has been emphasized. It has been revealed how martyrdom behavior that can affect large segments in the country increases social capital.


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