Küresel Dünyada Göç Kültürel Etkileşim ve Çokkültürlülük

Cultural systems always determine and specify identities. So culturalchanges and transformations reflect on the identities directly. Wherever thereis cultural mobility there are identity problems. Today immigration is theuppermost cause of cultural mobility. In this respect it’s (immigration studies)are a remarkable field in social sciences. There was heavy and perpetualimmigration from Turkey to European countries especially Germany, whichhad experienced this effect fact deeply; such that those migrated from Turkeyto other European countries, were called as Almancı/Alamancı in their owncountry.First generation who migrated to different EU regions, because of economicreasons at first, have begun to experience differentiation of culture and identityslowly but deeply. The first-generation immigrants did not cut their ties withthe homeland, returning to their homeland after retirement from their adoptedEU working home.However, the cultural conflicts arose and new kinds of problems were on thethereshold. European states and societies, concerned about the increasingnumber of immigrants, are developing projects to resolve ambiguity of theirfuture. On the other hand the immigrant groups do not accept the policies ofassimilation and refuse to feel humiliated. They want respect for their beliefsand values . They demand to be accepted as citizens rather than immigrants inEurope. Europeans and immigrants are each trying to protect their culture andidentity.Well, how are these reasonable and justified demands to be combined withoutleading to conflicts and disagreements? Is it correct to insist on assimilation?On the other hand, how to best overcome the problems of multiculturalism?While the Islamophobic policies are reluctant to recognize each other producingnew conflict areas in EU countries, how can rational and peaceful solutions beproduced?In this study I’ll handle the perception of other, exclusion and inclusion problemsin EU, and discuss assimilationist policies and its harmful consequences on thesocial groups. And I’ll suggest proposals in the context of multiculturalism.


Cultural systems always determine and specify identities. So cultural changes and transformations reflect on the identities directly. Wherever there is cultural mobility there are identity problems. Today immigration is the uppermost cause of cultural mobility. In this respect it’s (immigration studies) are a remarkable field in social sciences. There was heavy and perpetual immigration from Turkey to European countries especially Germany, which had experienced this effect fact deeply; such that those migrated from Turkey to other European countries, were called as Almancı/Alamancı in their own country.First generation who migrated to different EU regions, because of economic reasons at first, have begun to experience differentiation of culture and identity slowly but deeply. The first-generation immigrants did not cut their ties with the homeland, returning to their homeland after retirement from their adopted EU working home.However, the cultural conflicts arose and new kinds of problems were on the thereshold. European states and societies, concerned about the increasing number of immigrants, are developing projects to resolve ambiguity of their future. On the other hand the immigrant groups do not accept the policies of assimilation and refuse to feel humiliated. They want respect for their beliefs and values . They demand to be accepted as citizens rather than immigrants in Europe. Europeans and immigrants are each trying to protect their culture and identity.Well, how are these reasonable and justified demands to be combined without leading to conflicts and disagreements? Is it correct to insist on assimilation? On the other hand, how to best overcome the problems of multiculturalism? While the Islamophobic policies are reluctant to recognize each other producing new conflict areas in EU countries, how can rational and peaceful solutions be produced?In this study I’ll handle the perception of other, exclusion and inclusion problems in EU, and discuss assimilationist policies and its harmful consequences on the social groups. And I’ll suggest proposals in the context of multiculturalism


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