Erzurum Ehram Dokuması Üzerine Deneysel Bir Çalışma

Ehram is a type of clothing used in outwear by women for covering or protection from cold. As a result of shearing the wool from sheep, cleaning it from its dirt, drying it by laying and spinning it, ehram yarns are prepared and woven on a wooden shuttle handloom. The colors of ehram consist of natural colors of sheep such as beige (coffee with milk in folk language), white, purple, and black. There are also many types of embroidery- ornament used in ehram weaving. These ornaments made to ehram during weaving such as walnut wing, basil branch, honeysuckle, double rice, antique, macaroni, the play of the star, lentil, lady's belly, rice grain, flying bird with head and without the head, fringe comb, double cards, diamond earrings, gazelle horn, merdin earrings. However, within the scope of the research, there are other motif applications such as "macaroni, and merdin earrings", which have not been found and have not been known in the literature but used by the local people.The study aims to bring a different perspective to the traditional usage of ehram in the light of the findings obtained by researching the ehram weaving in Erzurum. In this study, the applied research method was used. A model and pattern suggestions were developed over ehram woven to be used in the experimental designs of the research. 3 experimental clothing designs, which were prepared under the theme of sustainability, and the design card is presented to the reader with artistic drawing and pattern suggestions.

An Experimental Study on Erzurum Ehram Weaving


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