Demokrasi fa rkh ideolojileri ve farkh kimlikleri temsil eden partiler aras111d an ozgurce bir tercih yapdmas1111 mumkun kdar. Farkh du unce sistemlerine, farkiI sosyo-klilturel ozelliklere sahip bireylerin farkh tercihlerde bulunmalan dogaldir. Siyasi davra111~111 en yaygm ve 6!9ulebilir bi9imi olan oy verme davram~ a yonclik olarak yapiian orneklem ara~tmnalan ve istatistikl analizlcrin amac1 sc9menin terci hl crin i ~eki llendiren etkenleri ortaya koymaya 9ah~maktad1r. Sc9meni tanunak, beklcntilerini/kaygiian111 ogrenmek ve bu dogrultuda politikalar iiretebi lmek, partiler i9in se9imi kazanmanm anahtan olarak g6rulmektcdir. Turkiye'de ser;:menlere yonelik r;:ah ~ma r yapiimakta ve farklI egi~ken er kullaniiarak ser;:men avra 111 lan analiz edilmeye 9ah Ilm akta d1r. Bizim 9ah~mam1z Turkiye ir;:in onemli ve bir o kadar da rtJ maiI bir konu olan Avrupa Birligi uyeligi konusunda Ti.irk ser;:menin du ~unce lerini ortaya koymay1 hedefl emektedir. Turk insanmm Avrupa Birligi konusunda farkl1 du~uncelere sahip olduklan bir ger9ektir. Ozellikle Turkiye'deki muhafazakar kesimlerle, ulusal kaygiian ag1r basan kesimler arasmda bu an lamda 9ok ciddi farklar olacag1 muhakkaktJr. Bu fa rkhhk, etnik kimlige dayah politikalar iiretmcye 9a ~a n partilerde ve bu partilerin se9menlerinde daha keskindir. Tiirkiye'dc faaliyet gosteren siyasal partilerin Avrupa Birligi'ne yonelik soylcmleri, ilgili partilerin ser;:menlerinin de Avrupa Birligi'ne ili~kin tercih lerini etkilemektcdir. pm1 ~ oldugumuz alan 9ah~mas1 koy mu tur . Tiirkiye genelinde yap!lan alan ara~tmnam1z, 18 ya~ ve iistli k1r/kent niifusunu temsil eden 2000 birimlik ornek kitle uzerinde 18 ilde gerr;:ek le tirilmi~tir. Amac1m1z Turk se9meninin siyasal parti tercihlerini, Avrupa Birligi 'ne yonelik tutumlanm ve yapilan tercihlerin Avrupa Birligi'ne yoneli k algilamalannda oynad1g1 rolu ortaya koymakt1r. 


Democracy makes possible to make a choice freely between political parties which represent different ideologies and ethnic identities. It is natural to have different preferences by individuals who have different belief systems and different socio-cultural aspects. As it is known "voting" is the most common and measurable form of political behavior. Purpose of many researches and statistical analysis about voting behavior is trying to bring out factors that shape voters' preferences. Recognizing the voters, learning their expectations and producing suitable policies have crucial importance for the political parties for winning the elections. As well as in many countries, voter oriented researches also being made in Turkey. Different variables are being used in these researches to analyze voting behavior. Purpose of our study is to bring out the ideas of Turkish voters about the Turkye's EU membership. As it is known Turkey's EU membership is a really important and really controversial question. It is a fact that Turkish people have different ideas about the membership and it is certain that there will be great difference between conservatives and overridingly nationalist parts in Turkey. This difference is quite sharp in some political parties and their voters which is trying to produce some policies based on ethnic identiti es. Attitudes and perceptions of Turkish political parties towards the European Union affects the preferences of their voters' ideas concerning with the European Union. In the same way the results of our field study has verified this point of view. Our field study was held on Turkey in general. We have done the research with a sampling which consist 2000 units of people from J 8 different cities of Turkey. Our subjects were at the age of 18 or older than 18 who represents rural and urban population of Turkey. Our aim is to reveal political party preferences of Turkish voters and the role of their preferences in the perception and attitudes towards the European Union.


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