M11rad Hiidti ve11digtir, Os111anf1 Devfeti'ni11 Avmpa yoniinde iferlemesinde onemfi zaferferde11 biri ofa11 I. Kosova Muharebesi so111111da, Sup as1ll1 bir asker tarajinda11 ehit edifmi~ tir. 0111111 $ehit edifdigi Kosova Ovas1 'nda biiyiik ihtimalfe 1389 y1f111da i11$a edifen tiirbe bazt do11e111ferde ihmale 11grasa da asla kendi kaderine terk edifmemi~·, 1m11t11fmw111§·tir. S11 wi mevcut ofan tiirbe, ilk tiirbeyi i<;erisine a/acak $ekilde 1846 y1ltnda in$a edifmi~· olup, aynt zamanda tUrbenin bak1m1 ve korunmas1 i<;in tiirbedaratanm.1$flr. Qze{{ikle bu tarihte11 itibaren tiirbeye ofan ilgi gittik<;e artm1$1lr. Tiirbeni11 heme11 ya11111a, say1s1 her ge<;en gii11 artan ziyaret<;ilerin kalmast i<;in iki katl1 sela111/1k bi11as1 i11~·a edilmi§'fir. 1906 y1ltna gelindigi11de ise II. Abdiilha111id'i11 tahta ge<;i$i11i11 30. se11esi miinasebetiyle ~·ehitlikte biiyiik <;apl1 bir tamirat ve i11~ a faaliyeti ger<;ekfe$1irilmi$fir. Bu i$ i<;in gerekli meblag ise II. Abdiilhamid'in $ahsl hazi11esinde11 kar$1lai1m1$f1r. Yaptlan i11$a faaliyeti ayrmt1l1 bir $ekilde ka dedilmi~· ve fotografland1rtfm1$flr. B11 d11rum 20. yiizytl ba$farmda Kosova Pri§·ti11e 'deki ill$Ct iicretleri hakktnda onemli bilgilere t1fa$mam1z1 saglad1g1 gibi, tiirbe11i11 ve <;evresi11in jiziki d11r1111111 gormemize de imkan tan11111~ 11 r. 


At the end of First Kosova War, one of the most important victories on Ottoman expansion through Europe, Murad Hudiivendigiir was martyrized by a Serbian soldier. Mausoleum built in his place of martyrization, Kosova Plain, was never left to its fate although interest decreased in some periods. Mausoleum now existing, was built in 1846 as including the first one and atombkeeper was appointed for protection and maintenance. Especially after this day, interest for mausoleum increased day by day. Right next to the mausoleum, two flat selamlik was built for every day increasing visitors to stay. In 1960, because of the 30'11 year of Abdulhamid II's ascending to throne, there has been a full-scale reparation and construction in the martyrdom. Necessary amount of money for this construction was paid from Abdulhamid ll's personal treasury. Construction done was elaborately recorded and photographed. This situation not only helped reaching important information on construction prices in Pristine, Kosova, in the beginning of 20'11 century but also allowed seeing physical conditions of mausoleum and its surroundings. 


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