O.rnian/1 Devleti11de11 bag1111s1z/1g1111 kazanan Balkan millet!eri 111il!i ki111lik/eri ve 111i!li amar;:lan at;:1s111dan knn 1k mil!iyet~ i dii ii11 ce er tesis ettiler. Ba!ka11/ardatarilite11 gele11 et11ik ve politik kar1~· 1k/1klar Os111a11/i 'da11 so11ra 111il!iyetr,;i/ik atq·1j:/e alcvle11 erek, /iayali a111at;:lar e~· inde ko~· up, telrlike/i mecralara dojiruaktilar. Di,iter l?a/ka11 mi!liyett;:i gruplar111da old11g11 gibi /311/gar mil!iyetrileri de tarihi terste11 okuy11p, tarilii11 ve Os111a11!1 Dev!eti11in dogal ak1~·111.1n tersine baz1 k//l;i:11/a111a/ara gittikler. Kendi 111i!letleri11i11 ne kadar 611 em!i old11jj111111, 111illibili11<:/eri11i11 11 e kadar eskiye daya11d1gun ve politik 111il!iy t~·i/i i11 Bu!garlar i{'erisinde 11 e de11/i lr1z/a yayt!d1iJ1111 g6stermek i9i11 !wrca11a11 r;:aba/arda Osman/1 Devleti Kfinah ket;:isi ilan cdilip, Osman/1 Devleti kara11/ik d611em olarak nite!endfrildi. !311 yaz1da da gijrfi!ecegi gihi, 11 e Osma11/1 d611 e111i Bu!garlar ir;:in kara11/ik diinemdi ve 11 e de Bu/gar milli bili11ci mil!iyetr;:i-komitaci!an11 iddia ettigi kadar Os111m1/1 B11/garlan11da dcrin baglara salripti


Th e Balkan nations who gained their independences from the Oltoman state, established conji1sing nationalistic ideologies based on their 11 atio11al identities and goals. I /istorical ethnic and political problems of the Balkan nations became a fire ball with nationalistic hlazes after the Ottoman rule. Under these conditions. nationalism in the /Jalkans became dangerous. Like the other Balkan 11 atio11a/ists, Bulgarian nationalists also read the hist01y reverse and portrayed the Ottoman State scapegoat considering the Ottoman times as "dark era " f or the Bulgarians. This paper argues that neither Otro111an rule was dark f ur the !111/garians. nor, nationalism was grass rooted in 01ro111 an Bu/gar society as this was claimed by /111/garian 11 alio11 alistic: co111111ittees. 


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