ÖZET             Dünyada her gün haber değeri taşıyan yüzlerce olay meydana gelmektedir. Ancak bu olaylardan çok azının haber olarak topluma ulaşma şansı vardır. Meydana gelen olayın niteliksel ya da niceliksel sonuçlarının büyüklüğü söz konusu olayın haber olma şansını arttıran en önemli etkendir. Bu anlamda çoğu zaman medyanın ‘ölü seviciliği’ tartışmaları gündeme gelmekle birlikte; hukuki ya da ahlaki hiçbir yaptırım medyanın bu yöndeki haber yapma pratiklerini değiştirmede yeterli gelmemektedir.             13 Mayıs 2014 tarihinde Manisa’nın Soma ilçesinde meydana gelen ve 301 madencinin ölümüyle sonuçlanarak ülke tarihinin en fazla can kaybına neden olan iş ve madencilik kazası olarak kayıtlara geçen “Soma Faciası” da, niteliksel ve niceliksel boyutlarının büyüklüğü ve korkunçluğu ile medyada ‘haber’ olarak geniş bir yer bulmuştur. Çalışma, medyanın ‘olumsuz olana’ ve ‘olumsuzlamaya’ olan eğilimini Soma Faciası olayının televizyon ana haber bültenlerindeki sunumu üzerinden yapılan içerik analizi yöntemiyle ortaya koymayı amaçlamaktadır. Bu amaçla TRT 1, Kanal D, STV ve NTV ana haber bültenleri örneklem seçilerek, olayın meydana gelişini takip eden 11 gün süresince izlenmiş; bu süre içerisinde olayın haber bültenlerine yansıması süre, sıra, konu, içerik, tutum, dil, görüntü, tekrar, abartı kategorize etme, örnek sunma, ses, aktörler, uzmanlar ve alt yazılar gibi haber anlatı yapıları üzerinden incelenmiştir.Anahtar kelimeler: Televizyon haberciliği, Haber değeri, Olumsuzluk, Soma faciası PRESENTATION OF NEGATIVE INCIDENTS ON MAIN TELEVISION NEWS BULLETINS: A STUDY ON “SOMA DISASTER”ABSTRACT             Every day, hundreds of newsworthy incidents occur all over the world. However; only limited number of such incidents is communicated to the society in the form of news. Qualitative or quantitative amplitude of the incident consequences is the most important factor increasing the chance of that incident in appearing in the news. In this sense, debates arise blaming the media with being “necrophilic”; none of the legal or moral sanctions are sufficient for changing such news making practices of the media.             “Soma Disaster” recorded as a work and mining accident with the greatest death toll in our country`s history which occurred in Soma, Manisa on 13 May 2014 and resulted with the death of 301 mine workers received widespread media attention as ‘news’ due to the scale of its qualitative and quantitative aspects and its horribleness. Objective of this study is to reveal the tendency of the media towards ‘negativity’ and ‘negating’ by means of a content analysis conducted on the presentation of Soma Disaster on television news bulletins. For this purpose, main news bulletins of TRT 1, Channel D, STV and NTV has been selected as examples, 11-day period following the occurrence of the incident has been reviewed; and reflections of the incident in the news bulletins during this period have been studied based on various aspects of the news presentation such as duration, order, subject, content, approach, language, visual elements, repetition, exaggeration, categorization, exemplification, sound, actors, experts and subtitles.Keywords: Television news, Newsworthiness, Negativity, Soma disaster


Every day, hundreds of newsworthy incidents occur all over the world. However; only limited number of such incidents is communicated to the society in the form of news. Qualitative or quantitative amplitude of the incident consequences is the most important factor increasing the chance of that incident in appearing in the news. In this sense, debates arise blaming the media with being “necrophilic”; none of the legal or moral sanctions are sufficient for changing such news making practices of the media. “Soma Disaster” recorded as a work and mining accident with the greatest death toll in our country`s history which occurred in Soma, Manisa on 13 May 2014 and resulted with the death of 301 mine workers received widespread media attention as „news‟ due to the scale of its qualitative and quantitative aspects and its horribleness. Objective of this study is to reveal the tendency of the media towards „negativity‟ and „negating‟ by Arş.Gör.Dr., Atatürk Üniversitesi İletişim Fakültesi, Radyo Televizyon ve Sinema Bölümü, asli.yurdagul@hotmail.com means of a content analysis conducted on the presentation of Soma Disaster on television news bulletins. For this purpose, main news bulletins of TRT 1, Channel D, STV and NTV has been selected as examples, 11-day period following the occurrence of the incident has been reviewed; and reflections of the incident in the news bulletins during this period have been studied based on various aspects of the news presentation such as duration, order, subject, content, approach, language, visual elements, repetition, exaggeration, categorization, exemplification, sound, actors, experts and subtitles.


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