Çift kompartman hidrosefaliye neden olan Dandy Walker Sendromu

Amaç: Bu yazıda dual şant yerleştirilerek başarı ile tedavi edilen çift kompartman hidrosefaliye neden olan Dandy Walker Sendromu (DWS) olgusu sunuldu ve bu konu ile ilgili literatür gözden geçirildi. Olgu sunumu: Bilateral katarakt, hipotoni ve sık infantil spazm bulunan 8 aylık bir olguda DWS tespit edildi. Aquaduktus stenozuna bağlı çift kompartman hidrosefali görülmesi üzerine olguya dual şant uygulandı. Operasyon sonrası hastanın nörolojik muayenesinde hızlı düzelme tespit edildi. Sonuç: DWS’ye eşlik eden çift kompartman hidrosefali nadir görülür. Cerrahi tedavi planlanan çift kompartman hidrosefalilerde dual şant uygulanması gereklidir.

Double compartment hydrocephalus due to Dandy-Walker Syndrome

Objective: In this article a case with Dandy Walker Syndrome (DWS) which is associated with double compartment hydrosefalus treated successfully by performing dual shunt has been reported and related literature with this subject was reviewed. Case report: DWS was evaluated in a 8 month old case associated with hypotony, bilateral cataract, infantil spasm. Dual shunt was performed into the case due to double compartment hydrosefalus as a result of aqueductal stenosis. Immediate improvement in the neurological status of the patient was seen after surgery. Conclusion: Double compartment hydrosefalus accompanied by DWS is rarely seen. In double compartment hydrosefalus as a surgical treatment dual shunt should be performed.


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