Regression Tree Analysis for Determination of the Effective Factors on Birth Weight in Holstein Calves

The aim of this paper was to describe the effects of calf sex, birth month and type on birth weight using Regression Tree (RT) analysis. For this purpose, 894 Holstein calves data raised in Polatlı State Farm were analyzed. The birth weight of calves averaged 38.478 ± 2.487 kg of total calves born, 95.5 % were single born. Twin born calves weights were lower (35.125 ± 1.652 kg) than single born (38.635±2.408 kg). Male calves were significantly (P<0.05) heavier than females by 1.28 kg. The mean birth weight of twin calves was 3.58 kg lower than that of single. Effects of calving month, sex of calf, birth type on birth weight were all significant (P<0.05).


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