A Different Approach for Grape Leaf Color

Color values and changes in color attributes are investigated in horticulture researches. Color is a significant indicator of quality and maturity and most of the time is used to determine the post-harvest physiology or the response of plants to various biotic or abiotic stress conditions. In this study, software was used to assess color attributes of digital images. In the analysis, measurements were made on JPEG images scanned at 1200 dpi. Grapevine leaves were used in this study since both the leaves and fruits were consumed and because of the need to determine the color characteristics within the scope of many scientific studies. Measurements made with 3 different color measurement methods were compared and presented in tables. With this method, it was aimed that the researchers reached the results they need with the aid of a computer, camera or platform camera with lighting devices without the need of an additional device. There were significant relationships between color measurement methods. Photoshop measurements had highly significant relationships with color meter measurements (R2 = 0.94-0.96). It was concluded based on present findings that Photoshop could yield reliable and repeatable color measurements without any needs for special instruments.


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