A potential antiviral and food-derived healthy ingredient: Resveratrol

Polyphenols are the secondary metabolites of plants and has an important role in human nutrition as the leading antioxidants. According to the carbon number-based classification of polyphenols, resveratrol is a natural polyphenol in the stilbene group with antioxidant and anticarcinogenic effects. Its beneficial effects on cardiovascular diseases have also been reported. It was first identified in 1940 and has recently gained importance especially in medicine and pharmacy. Researchers have carried out various studies on resveratrol and its time-honored use in traditional eastern medicine has been reported. Resveratrol is a food ingredient that has the potential to be used in the treatment of various diseases, but also has antiviral effects. The study focuses on resveratrol’s physical and chemical properties, effects on health, antiviral effects and use in foods as a functional component.


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