Bipolar Bozukluk Tanılı Hastalarda HBV, HCV ve HIV Sıklığı

Amaç:Bipolar hastalarda özellikle manik evrede hiperseksüalite, madde kullanımı veya yeti yitimi gibi bozukluklar HBV, HCV ve HIV gibi viruslara bağlı enfeksiyonların bulaşı açısından yüksek risk oluşturan davranışlardır. Bu çalışmadaki amaç, 2015 yılında Elazığ Ruh Sağlığı ve Hastalıkları Hastanesi'ne kabul edilen bipolar bozukluk tanılı hastalarda HBV, HCV ve HIV enfeksiyonlarının sıklığını belirlemekti.Gereç ve Yöntem: Bu retrospektif çalışmaya, hepatit ve HIV tarama testleri uygulanan bipolar bozukluk tanılı 624 hasta dahil edildi. HBsAg, antiHBs, anti-HCV ve anti-HIV testleri, ELISA yöntemi kullanılarak analiz edildi. Bulgular: Yaş ortalamaları 36.7 ± 11.6 olan 624 hastanın HBsAg ve Anti-HBs seroprevalansı sırasıyla % 3 ve % 42.9 olarak tespit edildi. Cinsiyetler arasında HBsAg ve anti-HBs seroprevalansında anlamlı bir fark tespit edilmedi. Yaş gruplarına göre incelendiğinde; HBsAg için anlamlı bir fark tespit edilemezken, Anti-HBs seroprevalansı

The Frequency of HBV, HCV and HIV Infections in Patients with Bipolar Disorder

O bjective:The disorders such as hypersexuality, substance abuse or disability in bipolar patients, especially at the manic phase, are high risk behaviors for transmission of viral infections such as HBV, HCV and HIV. The aim of this study was to determine the frequency of HBV, HCV and HIV infections among patients with bipolar disorder who were admitted to Elazig Mental Health Hospital in 2015. Material and Method:This retrospective study included 624 patients with bipolar disorder who were carried out hepatitis and HIV screening tests. HBsAg, anti-HBs, anti-HCV and anti-HIV tests were analyzed by ELISA method Results: The seroprevalency of HBsAg and Anti-HBs in 624 patients with a mean age of 36.7 ± 11.6 was detected as 3% and 42.9% respectively. It was not detected a significant difference in the seroprevalence rates of HBsAg and anti-HBs among genders. While it was not detected a significant difference for HBsAg, the seroprevelance of anti-HBs was significantly higher in the <20 age group (p = 0.001). While AST and ALT levels in the seropositive patients were within the normal ranges, LDH level was to be near the upper limit. In 622 patients who were performed HCV screening test, the seroprevalence of anti-HCV was found to be 0.5%. The anti-HIV test in all of the 514 patients who were performed the HIV screening test was detected to be negative. Conclusion: The frequency of HBV and HCV in patients with bipolar disorder was detected to be similar to the normal population. However, it should be taken the measures to reduce the risk of transmission in these patient groups, routine serologic tests should be pe rformed and anti-HBs negative patients should be included in the HBV vaccination program.


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