Adams-Oliver Sendromlu Bir Prematüre Yeni Doğan: Olgu Sunumu ve Literatür Değerlendirmesi

Adams-Oliver sendromu, ilk kez 1945 yılında tanımlanmıştır. Kutis aplazisi ve sıklıkla saçlı deri altındaki kemik dokuda defekt ve distal ekstremite anomalileriyle karakterize nadir herediter bir hastalıktır. Fizik muayene ve radyolojik bulgular ile Adams-Oliver sendromu tanısı düşünülmüş olan bu vaka nadir görülmesi nedeniyle literatür bilgileri ile birlikte sunulmuştur.

A Preterm Newborn with Adams Oliver Syndrome: A Case Report and Review of the Literature

A Preterm Newborn with Adams Oliver Syndrome: A Case Report and Review of the Literature Adams Oliver syndrome was first described in 1945. It is a hereditary disease characterised by aplasia cutis congenita, bone defect underlying the scalp and terminal transverse limb defects of variable severity. This case, diagnosed as Adams-Oliver syndrome by physical examination and radiological findings, is presented because of its rarity, with a review of the literature.


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  • 6. Algaze C, Esplin ED, Lowenthal A, Hudgins L, Tacy TA, Selamet Tierney ES. Expanding the phenotype of cardiovascular malformations in Adams-Oliver syndrome. Am J Med Genet A 2013; 161:1386-9.
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  • 9. Sukalo M, Tilsen F, Kayserili H et al. DOCK6 mutations are responsible for a distinct autosomal-recessive variant of Adams-Oliver syndrome associated with brain and eye anomalies. Hum Mutat 2015; 36: 593-8.
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  • 11. Zakanj Z, Bedek D, Kotrulja L, Ozanic Bulic S. Adams-Oliver syndrome in a newborn infant. Int J Dermatol 2016; 55: 215-7.
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