It is considerably difficult to achieve sustainable development nowadays because non-renewable energy sources are rapidly running out of reserves due to extensive consumption. For sustainable development, serious social and environmental policies should be constituted and implemented in harmony to reduce the minimum economic and social costs of development. From this point of view, energy sources are the main axis of these policies especially in the countries with limited reserves or dependent on foreign reserves in terms of high cost imposed on the country’s economy and also the damage to the environment.   High population growth, migration waves, energy-intensive new investments, technological improvements, and excessive energy consumption habits increase the energy consumption. Countries are in constant search to avoid the negative effects that may arise in economic and social life due to future energy crisis. Therefore, countries have contemporarily inclined to renewable energy sources such as solar, wind, and water.   In this study, the current established capacity of solar, hydraulic, biomass, wind and geothermal energy in Diyarbakır has been studied. It is aimed to introduce the potential and economic dimension of renewable energy sources, especially solar energy in Diyarbakır. Data in regional, national and international scale have been obtained and evaluated with its economic dimension.


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