The association between socio-economic factors and nutritional status among children: evidence from Nagaland, North-East India
The association between socio-economic factors and nutritional status among children: evidence from Nagaland, North-East India
The study on children’s nutrition is important in order to understand the health status of the
population, especially in a developing country like India, where the coexistence of both under
nutrition and over nutrition is becoming a public health concern. Under this backdrop, a
cross-sectional study was done to examine the nutritional status of the Ao Naga boys from
Nagaland, North-East India, and its association with socio-economic factors. Anthropometric
data such as height and weight were collected. Nutritional status was assessed using Body
Mass Index (BMI) following the classification made by Cole et al. Data on socio-economic
status was collected using appropriate schedule. In order to test the level of significance at 0.05
levels, chi-square test was used. The result showed that, BMI increased with an advancement
of age, and the prevalence of underweight decreased slightly with age in a fluctuating pattern.
There was a significant variability of BMI regarding socio-economic indicator in relation to
income group. Children belonging to better socio-economic status were taller, heavier, and
fatter than their non-affluent counterparts. Both underweight and overweight co-existed
among the children, although underweight was significantly higher
- Alder NE, Boyce T, Chesney, MA, Cohen S, Folkman S, Kahn, RL, Syme, SL. (1994) Socioeconomic status and health: the challenges of the gradient. Am Psychol 49:15-24.