Kanatlıların kronik teneffüs sistemi hastalığı (Mukoplazmozis)

Mikoplazmozis  tavuk  hastalıkları arasına, ilkin  Nelson  Hastalı­
Anahtar Kelimeler:


In  this  article,  the  latest  information  on  C.R.D.  (Mycoplasmo-sis)  of poultry which was obtained from severallitteratures is given. The disease was firstly deseribed by İLHAN öZKAL in this country in 1956.  Since then, the existence  of the  disease  in  Turkey has  been gradually increased  and it was reported from  different  parts of the country. According  to  the  work  carried  out  at this  laboratory,  it has been found that Esch. coli  and B.  Pyocynique are responsible for secondary  infection  and  that conditions  of  stress  e.g.,  ascariasis  and vaccination  against N.D.  involving  the use  of a  live  vaccine. 


  • Abrams, L. : Bull. E. Diseases of Africa., 1961 december, V. 9., No. 4, s. 349.
  • Akat, K. ve Sipahioğlu, A.: Türk Vet. H. Derneği Dergisi, 1960. s. 164-165. s. 756.
  • Brion, A. : Bull. Of. Int. des Epizooties. T. 54, Mai 1961, s. 474.
  • Brion, A., Fontaine, M. ve Fontaine, M. P.: Recuil de Mectecin Vet. 1960. T. 95, No. 8, s. 605.
  • Caporale, J. : Bull. Of Int. des Epizooties, 1961, Mai. T. 56, s. 536.
  • Geissler, H. : Beri. U. Münch. Tier. Woch., 1960, T. 8, s. 142.
  • Gordon, R. F. : Bull. Of Int. des Epizooties, 1961, Mai. T. 56, s. 530.
  • Schyns, P.: Bull. Of. Int. des Epizooties, 1961, Mai. T. 56, s. 418.