Üçlü test ile Down sendromu taraması yapılan gebelerde yanlış pozitiflik ve obstetrik komplikasyon ilişkisi

Bu çalışmada, gebeliğin ikinci trimesterinde üçlü tarama testinde [alfa fetoprotein (AFP), human korionik gonodotropin (hCG), ankonjuge estriol (uE3)] Down sendromu riski 1/270 eşik değerinin üzerinde olan ve amniosentez sonrası normal karyotip saptanan olgularda obstetrik komplikasyonların değerlendirilmesi amaçlanmıştır. Üçlü tarama testinde Down sendromu riski 1/270 üzerinde olan ve normal fetal karyotip saptanan 47 gebe, Down sendromu riski 1/270'den az olan 80 gebe ile obstetrik komplikasyonlar açısından karşılaştırıldı. Aynı zamanda AFP, hCG, uE3 seviyeleri ile komplikasyonlar arasındaki ilişki değerlendirildi. Down sendromu için üçlü tarama testi yanlış pozitif bulunan olgularda kontrol gurubuna oranla erken doğum (%21.3 - %8.7, sırasıyla, p

The relation of false positivity and obstetric complications in pregnant patients screened for Down syndrome risk by triple test

Evaluation of obstetric complications of pregnant patients in second trimester, whose Down syndrome risk is higher than 1/270 cut off value in the triple test [alpha fetoprotein (AFP), human chorionic gonadotropin (hCG), unconjugated estriol (uE3)] and whose karyotype is found to be normal by amniocentesis. 47 pregnant woman with normal karyotype and Down syndrome risk higher than 1/270 in the triple test were compared with 80 pregnant woman with low Down Syndrome risk, in terms of obstetric complications. The relation of AFP, hCG and u E3 levels with obstetric complications were also evaluated. Higher risk for premature labor (%21.3 - %8.7, respectively, p<0.05), preeclampsia (%6.3 - %0, respectively, p<0.01), low fetal birth weigh (%4.3 - %1.3, respectively, p>0.05), intrauterine growth retardation (%4.3 - %0, respectively, p<0.01) and perinatal fetal death (%4.3-%1.3, respectively, p>0.05) was detected in patients with false positive Down syndrome risk in the triple test when compared with the control group. 40.42% (19/47) of the pregnancies in the study group was complicated while complicated pregnancies were detected in 8.7% (7/80) of the control group. hCG of 2.5 MoM (multiples of the median) or higher was significantly associated with complicated pregnancies. Obstetric complication risk is increased in pregnant patients with false positive Down Syndrome risk detected in the triple test. Detection of hCG levels was found to be more effective in predicting obstetric complications than AFP and uE3.


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