Düzce’de Glyphosate Yaprak Herbisitinin Genç Yabani Kiraz (Prunus avium L.) Fidanlarına Etkisi

Yabani kiraz (Prunus avium L.), Türkiye’nin büyük ekolojik, ekonomik ve sosyo-kültürel öneme sahip

Effects of Foliar Glyphosate on Young Wild Cherry (Prunus avium L.) Seedlings in Düzce

Wild cherry (Prunus avium L.) is an ecologically, economically, and socio-culturally prominent naturalbroadleaved tree species of Turkey. Glyphosate is a widespread chemical used to control weeds in the Turkishagriculture. In the present study, the short-term effects of the two different rates [%1 ve 2 (volume:volume)] ofglyphosate sprayed on young wild cherry seedlings planted on a natural beech site in Akçakoca (DÜZCE)planted with 3 x 3 m spacing in June 2008 were evaluated. Herbisit solutions were applied in and aroundseedlings rows in a broadcast manner using a 20-L backpack sprayer so as to determine herbicide safety for thetree species. A mechanical weed-control treatment was added to the study for comparison. 10 months aftertreatments, although herbicide treatments effectively controlled weeds in seedling rows, significant herbicidedamages occurred on seedlings. Acessive spraying partly might account for these results. In conclusion,herbicide use and crop safety in wild cherry should be further studied with future studies.


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