Batı Karadeniz Kıyı Ekosistemlerinde Deniz Suyu Etkisinde Kalan Bazı Odunsu Bitkilerin Su İletim Sistemindeki Anatomik Değişimler

Deniz suyu etkisinde kalmış odunsu


  • Baas P. 1973. The wood anatomical range in Ilex (Aquifoliaceae) and its ecological and phylogenetic significance. Blumea 21: 193-258.
  • Baas P. 1976. Some functional and adaptive aspects of vessel member morphology. Leiden Botanical Series 3: 157-181.
  • Baas P. 1982. Systematic, phylogenetic and ecological wood anatomy - history and perspectives. 23-58. New perspectives in wood anatomy (Edt. P. Baas), Martinus Nijhoff Pub. Boston.
  • Baas P., Werker E., Fahn A. 1983. Some ecological trends in vessel characters. IAWA Bulletin n.s. 4: 141-159.
  • Carlquist S. 1966. Wood anatomy of Compositae: a summary, with comments on factors controlling wood evolution. Aliso 6: 25-44.
  • Carlquist S. 1975. Ecological Strategies of Xylem Evolution. University of California Press. Berkeley. 259 p.
  • Carlquist S. 1977. Ecological factors in wood evolution: a floristic approach. American Journal of Botany 64: 887-896.
  • Carlquist S. 1980. Further concepts in ecological wood anatomy, with comments on recent work in wood anatomy and evolution. Aliso 9: 499-553