Bu çalışmada; Kur’ân’ın farklı lehçelerden kelimeler içermesi sebebiyle Kur’ân ve onun manalarıyla ilgilenenlerin karşısına çıkan garip kelimelerin bir kısmı, bu kelimelerin en detaylı ele alındığı eserlerden biri olan Taberî’nin (ö. 310/923) Câmiu’l-Beyân isimli tefsiri özelinde ele alınacaktır. Rivâyetleri senetleriyle nakleden ve cerh-ta‘dîl ilmine vâkıf bir muhaddis olan Ṭaberî’nin, Ġarîbu’l-Ḳur’ân gibi daha çok naklî yönü ağır basan bir ilme dirayet metodu açısından yaklaşımı incelenecektir. Ṭaberî’nin dirayet yöntemleri içerisinden de daha çok hangilerine başvurduğu belirlenmeye çalışılacaktır. Böylelikle bu incelemeyle Câmiu’l-Beyân’ın dirayet tefsiri mi, rivayet tefsiri mi olduğu sorusuna cevap aranacaktır. Bu inceleme, birçoklarına göre sıhhat açısından bu alandaki en makbul tarîk addedilen Ali b. Ebî Ṭalha tarîki üzerinden yapılarak, Câmiu’l-Beyân’da lügat verileri ile cerh-ta‘dîl verilerinin mutabakatı gösterilmeye çalışılacaktır. Ayrıca Ṭaberî’nin görüşlerine delil olarak zikrettiği rivâyetler içerisinde Ali b. Ebî Ṭalha rivâyetlerinin delil değeri ve konumu belirlenecektir. Bütün bunlarla Taberî’nin tercihlerinin ve bu tercihlerin nedenlerinin daha yakından görülmesi hedeflenmektedir.


Inclusion of words from various dialects in the Qurʾān has led to the emergence of the science of Ġarīb al-Qurʾān (the Rare Words in the Qurʾān). Such inquiries have eventually evolved into a science, gaining themselves a place as a field within the ʿUlūm al-Qurʾān. Reports going back to Ibn ʿAbbās occupy an important place within this science, as this companion, who had an abiding interest in Qurʾānic exegesis, became well-known among other companions with his superiority in knowing the meanings of rare words. These reports were transmitted from Ibn ʿAbbās to next generations through nine different lines of transmission, which differ from each other in authenticity, ranging from sound and authentic to weak ones. As a matter of fact, the sources on this matter consider most of them to be problematic. The line of ʿAlī b. Abī Ṭalḥa is considered to be the most authentic line of transmission among the nine. This line constitutes a significant portion of what is transmitted from Ibn ʿAbbās. However, the collection in which ʿAlī b. Abī Ṭalḥa included these reports is not extant. It is known, however, that al-Bukhārī deemed this collection reliable and that Aḥmad b. Ḥanbal, al-Suyūṭī, and several other scholars mentioned highly of it. Although it has not reached to us, al-Ṭabarī frequently mentions the reports found in it in his tafsīr (exegesis). It is known that one of the most prominent characteristics of al-Ṭabarī is that he narrates his reports together with their chains of transmission. However, he does not indicate whether the transmitters in the chains are trustworthy or not. As a result, when reading through his exegesis of a given verse in his work, one may find themselves coming across reports coming through an authentic line of transmission as well as those transmitted via a weak line. On the other hand, al-Ṭabarī’s reputation as a scholar of ḥadīṯ (tradition) is widely acknowledged in many sources. The sources indicate that alṬabarī was a muḥaddiṯ (a ḥadīṯ scholar) from among the fourth ṭabaqa (generation); an expert in al-jarḥ wa al-taʿdīl who authored a work titled Tahḏīb al-Āṯār in which he ascertained the ʿilal (problems) of the traditions and discussed their correctness; knew very well both the authentic and weak traditions; and had good command of the traditions he knew by heart along with their problems. Therefore, it confuses one to see al-Ṭabarī not to evaluate the reports in his exegesis, which indicates that the methodology of this scholar who knew the reports so well needs to be examined carefully. Another characteristic of al-Ṭabarī is that he is a historiographer. He went on to collect with utmost care as an ideal historian all the information pertaining to the first three centuries of the Hijrah. However, he did not assess the information he gathered as a muḥaddiṯ. Al-Ṭabarī evaluated this data mostly through his profession as a linguist. As it is well known, al-Ṭabarī is considered to be one of the best linguists of Kūfa. He places a special importance upon the common usages of the Arabs. In order to gain insights into the rational aspects of a given exegesis, first, that exegesis needs to go under separate investigations for each Qurʾānic science it includes. Furthermore, one needs to seek to ascertain which rational methods the mufassir (exegete) employs, and when and to what extent he does so. Accordingly, this study explores the specific rational aspects of al-Ṭabarī based on the line of transmission by ʿAlī b. Abī Ṭalḥa within the scope of Ġarīb al-Qurʾān, which itself is a scriptural issue. It also aims at finding out which rational methods al-Ṭabarī makes use of the most. In addition, it will also show the congruence between the linguistic data in Jāmiʿ al-Bayān and the data of al-jarḥ wa al-taʿdīl therein. This will be accomplished through illustrating the linguistic-rational analysis al-Ṭabarī makes on the reports coming through line of transmission by ʿAlī b. Abī Ṭalḥa, which is an authentic line of transmission. Yet another aim of the present work is to assess the authenticity of the reports by ʿAlī b. Abī Ṭalḥa and the place they occupy among others. This study will show that alṬabarī approaches the verses from a standpoint that is centered on linguistic data and arrives at conclusions that in most cases conform to the reports by ʿAlī b. Abī Ṭalḥa. Al-Ṭabarī thus demonstrates that one can assess reports based on linguistic data without needing the privileges of a muḥaddiṯ or the instruments of the science of al-jarḥ wa al-taʿdīl.


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