Gelibolu Yöresinde Ziyaret Fenomeni

Anahtar Kelimeler:


The Visitation Phenomenon in the Region of Gelibolu

Places of visit that have Religious attribute have carried out important function from past to now in the geography that Turkish society have been lived. This cultural inheritance for illness, needs and the impossibilities that have been faced in the human life usually come to the fore as a values. There are twelve holy places to wish and visit in the trouble outside of the holy rock and cave in Gelibolu. In these places, it is being sacrificed and prayed and some people vow flags and written expression request and glued the stones on the wall. We can tell some aims of the visit of the religious places: to have owner of child, to have chance of .marriage, to win a examination. In our research-area that is being accepting holy places, there are the tombs and graves of the tariqat-members besides tombs of martyrs and their graves