Ehl-i Sünnet’in Kadere İman Konusuna Temel Yaptığı Belli Başlı Rivâyetler ve "Kader Hadisi"/"Cibrîl Hadisi"

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The Most Important Traditions About the Faith of Qadar in Ahl al-Sunnah and the Hadith of Qadar/Cibril Hadith

We know that Ehlu’s-sunna is one of the most important Islam sects (mazahib) and it’s opinion about the problem of "qadar” (destiny; fate) is different from Mutazila. We have studied in this work traditions (ahâdith, riwâyât) about the faith ofqadar. Qadar is one of the basics of faith in Ehlu’s-sunna. We have seen that scholars of this sect (mazhab) is using lots of tradition to explain the qadar problem and most important riwayat/hadith is "Cibril Hadith”