Çevre Bilinci Oluşturmada Yaygın Din Eğitiminin Rolü

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The Role of Informal Religious Education getting Environmental Consciousness

The problems regarding to environment make difficulties both the world and human life in all of the contemporary World. In the basis of environmental problems lie human being’s negative attitudes towards environment and their uncontrolled behaviors. Humanity towards environmental deformations, if it is late too, are beginning to search a solution. Religions present contributive suggestions to their said searches. The Religion of Islam illuminates to said matter with Qur’anic verses (ayâths) and Prophet’s traditions (hadiths) in the era of when environmental problems did not arise. To be told Islamic knowledge our society and to be tried.to form consciousness about that issue is a necessity that is not to be blinked. In this paper, it is stressed that religious accumulation and experience regarding to environment is necessary to be told to society by means of Education of Religion